View Full Version : Had my first CBT session (sort of) today

15-02-17, 20:57
Thankfully, there was a cancellation and what wasn't supposed to happen until middle of March happened today.

it was more of a feel out session and an "interview" if you will, where she determined if she could help me and I decide if I have any faith in her, but towards the end we did have some meaningful conversation, and I got some homework.

although we didn't get in to the meat of anything (I didn't suspect we would day 1) I like what she has to say and how she would like to go about doing this "rewiring of thought processes and the handling of intrusive thoughts"

over all Id give it a B+ and I am hopeful.

-this was a good day. :yesyes:

Clydesdale Epona
15-02-17, 21:23
So glad to hear that! :)
I'm session 6 soon to be 7 in and I'm really happy with it I'd say x
All the best :hugs:

15-02-17, 21:36
Keep us posted! I have therapy tonight and we will work on CBT.

15-02-17, 23:43
Data gathering is often the first few sessions so it can feel a bit :shrug: but the real work will then start.

I found I could have gathered much of this earlier to speed it up. It's obviously up to them what they want but if you have it documented ready, it's less of a job filling in their sheets.