View Full Version : Does this sound like DVT?

16-02-17, 00:47
So I'm currently freaking out about having a deep vein thrombosis. Sunday night my right thigh started hurting, was fine when laying down. Pain was there upon waking but faded as the day went on. Came back later and went away. Tuesday it was gone until mid afternoon when I was walking around. Now my lower leg will randomly hurt in certain spots.

I haven't excersised or done anything to pull a muscle. I'm 21, and healthy, only take a BC pill which of course raises the risk. My mom and boyfriend both think I'm crazy and my mind is tricking me into having pain. I have no time for a doctor right now as I have a huge test coming up and I also don't want to sound crazy.

Does this sound like a dvt? There's no redness warmth or swelling but I've read plenty of stories where people just had pain. Plus if it was a DVT would the pain randomly come and go?

16-02-17, 03:18
No it does not sound like, nor is it DVT. It is your mind creating the pain and/or your anxious mind making your muscles tense, thereby causing pain.

By the way--- BCP doesn't really raise risk of DVT substantially. Do you know how many millions and MILLIONS of women take and have taken BCP and never had a DVT? Clue you in way MORE haven't than who have had them. There is no valid reason for you to think you have DVT. NONE.

Study for your test. And here is a little 'hmmm" for ya.... Have you ever considered what drives HA thinking and all kinds of aches and pains? Stress from everyday life, i.e. Major exams.