View Full Version : Still worried about my pancreas....

16-02-17, 04:06
So I got my boob saga back in order but I'm still having these upper left abdominal pain. I thought at first it was Gastritis but now since my scope was clean two months ago, I'm thinking pancreas. I mentioned to my doctor and she brushed it off as food allergies because I have pain the worst after I drink wine or certain coffee or spicey food. Could I still get gastristis that quick after a scope was two months ago? My pain isn't everyday but it's definitely there if I drink wine, so I stopped. But because my pain is bad after alcohol and my poop is constantly floating, I think it's my pancreas. My doctor had me do a stool test :scared15: and it's been two weeks and I still haven't heard anything. She also doesn't think I need a blood test because I had one in July :shrug:

16-02-17, 17:22
Wait... floating poop means something???

No...It means it's floating because it has gas stuck in it! :)

Positive thoughts

16-02-17, 18:16
Doctor's are very smart. There are reasons why they don't seriously delve into unnecessary tests and exams just because google and a medically untrained mind makes us grab at straws to explain something. I do not mean that as an insult, because I even confuse my own medical degree with Dr. Google (HA is so great...), but it is so frustratingly common for a patient to do their own "research" aka google, and start thinking their complaint is caused by reason "x". Then when doctors, who know the body and its systems way more than the patient and google, refuse to entertain the thought because its just simply not true, and patients get upset and start worrying the doctors missed something. Trust me, even an extensive google search does not even being to touch the basics of how doctor's make clinical decisions.

Its not your pancreas. Trust me, you're doctor would know.