View Full Version : Fluttering in the ear

19-04-07, 17:17
In recent weeks I have felt a little better.

However, in the last few weeks I had a strange feeling in my ears. It started off that now and again I feel a fluttering in my right ear, like I can hear my own heartbeat.

Then, a few days back I had the feeling of pressure in my ears. The feeling was like when you have water stuck in them and have to pop them, it lasted 24-48 hours and has resolved, during this time I didn't feel the fluttering in my right ear, but I'm back with feeling the fluttering in the ear today.

Has anyone had this or got any advice?

19-04-07, 17:28
Hi , the symtons you describe sound like ottis media ,or oto slerosis were fluid builds up in the ear and the feelings of fullness you describe are quite common ,although a qulified ENT specialist would be the best person to actually tell you . I have had the condition you describe for many hears now along with tinnitus . Sontimes i get dizzy spells similer to menaires disease , and have to take Medication to control the blood circulation.It is in my situation a case of living with it ,although symtons and treatments may vary from person to person .

Hope this is off some assistince , Steve .

19-04-07, 19:31
It's probably not a help but I notice a fluttering in my right ear when I'm lying in bed on my side. I thought an ant had got in my ear at first!

19-04-07, 21:50
I get that too! Never really known why. It's always my left ear. Bizarre!

I've had ear infections before where I get fluid trapped behind my ear drum.

Have you had a cold recently? When your tonsils enlarge, you can get a build up of fluid in your middle ear which can't drain down the eustacian tubes (tubes that link your ears to your throat). This fluid can become infected (otitis media), or just sit there and not do much (serous otitis media). The former is likely to cause pain and fever, the latter doesn't tend to cause symptoms. When I've had it though, I have felt a sensation of pressure and 'fullness'. A quick look by your GP should tell you what it is. If it's infected, they'll probably give you antibiotics. If not, there isn't a lot they can do and it gets better by itself.

I get a fluttery left ear all the time (when I lie on that side) and have no idea what causes it. I don't think it's anything to worry about :)


19-04-07, 21:51
And yes, I often 'hear' my heartbeat in my ear. Don't think that's anything to worry about either :)

20-04-07, 00:41
Sounds like what happens to me when my sinuses clog up I get soooo much pressure in my head that sometimes I think it's going to come rushing out of my ears :) but fear not it's a common thing but if your still freting about it go have the doc check it out.


20-04-07, 07:57
Thanks all.

Interestingly I've been to the dentist a few times with "pain". The dentist has taken X-Rays, but said there is no problem with the teeth.

She then said Sinus issues can put pressure on the teeth and cause pain. She advised I inhale steam for a week, and bingo, the pain reduced and disappeared!

So I would say perhaps I do have a sinus issue.

I also get very bad hay fever where my nose clogs and my eyes run!

20-04-07, 11:08

When I had 'serous otitis media', my GP told me to inhale steam. I ignored him unfortunately. Thanks for that! :)

15-05-07, 15:08
I have recently started with this in my left ear but only when waking up, the first time it scared me but then I did a bit of research and realised its quite common, but I wondered why it suddenly came on over the past few weeks, I also wake up with ear pain in my right ear but when I get up and start moving around it goes, very strange.

15-05-07, 21:11
Ive had this for years, its like a butterfly in my ear and drives me mad.
Also when i lay in bed my husband talks and my ear buzzes as he speaks and stops buzzing when he stops speaking (whats that all about ?).

Didnt know it can make you dizzy, I suiffer terrible dizzy spells.

16-05-07, 10:48
HI i get this quite often its like a butterfly in my ear the doctor said nothing to worry about probably ear wax carol:)

03-06-10, 05:32
I haven't had any pain or panic attacks with the fluttering in my ear. It's only in my left ear, and it started a few days ago. It does feel like butterflies in my ear. It comes and goes. I even put some hydrogen peroxide in my ear to flush it out. Nothing. No wax, no weird objects, just "butterflies". Don't know what to do to stop it. Any suggestions?

20-08-15, 20:16
this has just started for me.. I wouldn't call it a flutter..it's gross, but
it almost feels like a small spider moving its legs. but......there is nothing
there ?????/