View Full Version : Pregnancy fears

16-02-17, 14:39
I hate being pregnant. Right now, my blood pressure is out of control. It's probably extremely high, but I'm too scared to check it. I'm getting a feeling where I'm going to get a nosebleed, and that's usually a sign of high blood pressure. I'm laying on the floor while the kids play and I'm shaking. I can't get up because the feeling gets worse. This would have never happened if I didn't get pregnant. I had a tubal to prevent this, but my body decided to fail me and now all of my autoimmune crap is flaring.

I need to go to the ER but no one will watch the kids. I "put myself in this position", so no one wants to help out. There is no managing your anxiety when your body is failing you. I'm using all of my techniques, but it's not taking the fear away. I probably won't make it through this pregnancy because last time was really hard on my body.

I'm disabled during pregnancy and no one understands. I don't want to be alone right now.

16-02-17, 14:55
The only times I've ever had nosebleeds were when pregnant. I was told I had low blood pressure during pregnanc, so mine were definitely not due to high blood pressure. I'm sure they're actually quite common in pregnancy.

I'm sorry you are alone right now. You say nobody wants to help you, but could they not at least keep you company?

16-02-17, 14:59
I second what KeeKee said. During my 2 pregnancies I had regular nose bleeds. And I never had a high blood pressure problem. They are very very common during pregnancy.
For a start you can some on here and talk to people. Is there anyone at all you can talk to?

16-02-17, 15:09
People really don't like to talk about my anxiety with me. I'm sure it's exhausting to hear about my issues because I'm exhausted just dealing with them. I don't really have friends now because I'm with the kids 24/7, and I don't really get breaks because my husband gets overwhelmed after 5 minutes of being alone with them. I'm too exhausted trying to maintain friendships because of our daily schedule, and I'm literally in bed at the same time as the kids every night. I think my exhaustion is making the autoimmune stuff worse as well.