View Full Version : I've been having weird disconnected health issues...

16-02-17, 16:51
I have no idea what's going on and I don't want to bother/waste my family money on doctors because I probably sound paranoid by now. I have a habit of making notes of my symptoms but I've stopped doing it for a while.

This is the first day I've started noting, but I remember that day 15-30~ I had these symptoms: Stiff/painful neck, Muscle spasms, Loss of appetite, Loss of sense of taste or bad taste in mouth, Headaches, Difficulty breathing, Weird attacks of confusion (can't explain it), Feeling that face/neck is swollen (not visible but can definitely feel it, specially at the side of my lips)

31/01: Left arm numb. Difficulty/pain urinating. Urinating a lot. Muscle spasms in my leg.
02/02: Frequent spasms all over my body, one strong dizziness spell. (This one was so strong I had to spend 5 minutes calming myself down)
03/02: Dizziness and weakness spell.
05/02 ~ Diagnosed with Urinary Tract Infection. Got put on antibiotics (Ciprofloxacine)

13/02: Pain in buttocks radiating to my legs when bending my spine/defecating. Thought I must have had a slipped disk for sure but it seems to have gone away.
14/02: Waking up at night and having a feeling of malaise/fainting.
15/02: Woke up at night and had the same feeling again, went to sleep and woke up with a pain in my chest radiating to the left arm aggravated by breathing. Headaches. Sore throat/sneezing that went away quicly.
16/02: Woke up at night with the same feeling of malaise/fainting, tried to feel my heart, it felt was beating oddly. Swollen lymph node at right elbow, my hands are almost hurtingly cold even though it's a hot day.

I'll try to explain the "beating oddly" part: you know when you feel your heart and it usually beats like that "thump thump ... thump thump ..."? At night it felt like there was a big interval between the two thumps. Like: "thump .. thump .. thump .. thump"

I smoke, don't do drugs and have 3-4 completely ****ed up teeth. I've done a lot of blood tests and they all seemed normal. I'm almost sure I have an infection of some sort even though I haven't had a fever at all. The only thing that I can still do is test for Blood Culture, Urinalysis (again to check if the UTI is gone) and Poop Exam; I'm at the point I just want to know what the hell do I have and I hope its septicemia just so I can get treatment and get better soon... I'm going mad with all of this.

16-02-17, 18:33
Hi Russ,

I'm sorry to hear about these issues. Some, or all of them could be caused by anxiety, they sound like classic symptoms and don't underestimate how fully anxiety can f*ck you up -although you don't say whether or not you are diagnosed with health anxiety! You mention that you've had blood tests, but have you had any kind of diagnosis from a doctor about what this might be? If they're ruled everything else out, I would consider it to be an anxiety problem, but only your doctor can help you with that.

Good luck!

16-02-17, 19:01
Hey let me know how you get on ,

i would pop to the docs not because im worried about you at all! only because i know it will put your mind at ease ,

im sure your family will support you .

you will be fine !
