View Full Version : Freaking out

16-02-17, 17:37
I. Was driving and i got a pain in my left boob near the heart and then all my chest went tight and now I've got an ache in my chest... worried is this a heart attack going to happen I'm freaking out. Went all light headed too... I'm 26 but people my age can still have heard attacks right???

Is this a heart attack about to happen???? My left shoulder hurts too

---------- Post added at 17:37 ---------- Previous post was at 17:34 ----------

I'm stuck in the car I'm freaking out real bad guys...

16-02-17, 17:39
Try to relax. I've felt sudden pains in the past (which I guess is normal) and instantly felt so anxious it exarcebated the feeling.

16-02-17, 17:40
Most likely a muscle spasm in your back, it can really make the chest feel tight, but no harm in going to get it checked out. If you notice tingling or numbness in your left arm/hand call an ambulance immediately, lie down and breathe calmly though because panicking will make you feel much worse. You'll be ok :)

16-02-17, 19:45
I'm home now and the pain eventually went away. Being Stuck in traffic wasn't helping at all as I felt very trapped at the time too.
My left ask feels abit achey right now so not sure what's happening

16-02-17, 20:13
What's happening is this:

1) You feel a perfectly normal sensation caused by the inconvenient condition of being human.

2) You get a sudden rush of fear, which triggers adrenaline and palpitations and all the symptoms of a panic attack.

3) You then add in the secondary fear by believing its your heart or that you're about to die in some way.

4) Eventually, the original symptom fades, but the memory of the event and your fight-or-flight response remains primed and ready to go because your anxious state of mind wrongly sends signals to your brain and body that there is a threat to your survival.

5) Without treatment and a new approach to dealing with anxious thought and feeling, rinse and repeat.