View Full Version : Had wisdom teeth out... normal to feel this bad?

16-02-17, 17:46
On Tuesday afternoon I had my 4 impacted wisdom teeth taken out along with another r back tooth on my right side and I was put out for it. The pain is mostly in my right side where the extra tooth was taken out, my face is really red over there and it's way more swollen than the other side. I've been taking the pain medicine and the Amoxicillian he gave me but last night I woke and my stomach was absolutely killing me and it still is upset today and I feel like I have to keep peeing. This morning I thought I was going to puke. I was also pretty cold this morning but now I feel normal. I'm just concerned about my stomach hurting and all of this crap! I'm so scared I have infection that is going to killl me! My mom thinks I'm being silly though. I've stopped the pain medicine thinking maybe that's got something to do with my stomach hurting... I don't know. Did any of you have yours out and experience something similar? I'm trying not to google what could be wrong...

16-02-17, 18:31
Antibiotics always mess with my stomach. I had my wisdom teeth extracted about 2 years ago. I hated the recovery pain and swelling. Not to mention I wasn't able to eat anything solid for like a week so when I took my pain meds I felt nauseated. Hang in there you will feel better . If u are worried just called the dentist and tell him your symptoms

16-02-17, 19:19
Stomach problems are quite common in the first couple of days of taking amoxicillan.