View Full Version : Sertraline side effects?

16-02-17, 18:09
Hi all,
I have finally decided to take sertraline on the advice of my doctor, I am currently on day 10 and since day 5 I have had nausea, loss of appetite , sore muscles in my shoulders and diarhea everytime I so much as pass water passed my lips. When are these side effects likely to subside from anyone else's experience I feel terrible and doctor says just to stick with them.

Thanks for reading xx

16-02-17, 19:36
It's different for everyone, so it's kinda hard to say. If indeed these symptoms are being caused by the sertraline, it should gradually tail off over the course of a month. It can take longer than that, though.

I had different side effects to you on starting up, it took about six weeks to notice any improvement and the side effects themselves probably took about four weeks to improve.

While medication doesn't work for everyone, and different ones work for different people, if you give up early, you'll never know if they could have worked for you or not. Some people drop them the moment they feel the slightest adverse effect. That's fine - it's their choice. But it can also be worth pushing through.

16-02-17, 20:27
Yeah i've had all of those symptoms when i was on sertraline, just try and ride it out until your body gets used to it.

16-02-17, 20:28
I've been on Sertraline for nearly 8 years now and when I started I had nausea and stomach cramps. They soon settled down though :)

16-02-17, 23:40
I would suggest heading to the Sertraline board on the Meds board for support.

4-6 weeks is something many go by.

Nausea can often be helped by taking them with food. It's the Serotonin receptors in the gut that tend to cause this earlier on.

17-02-17, 05:09
I had these side effects and more. Mine took 5 weeks to go away! It's rough, especially with HA, but hang in there because they will pass xxx

17-02-17, 08:45
Thanks everyone. It's really debilitating I've been up most of the night at the toilet (tmi) only takes a sip of water ! I just ache allover too....convinced it's the sertraline. Plus I have a two year old to care for not going to be an easy day.

17-02-17, 09:03

I had side effects for around 2 months. Also, even after that I was always sweaty and very warm.