View Full Version : Weight Advice

16-02-17, 20:46
So my question is mostly for the ladies.. and sorry if TMI

When we go through a particular stressful time, our eating habits change. My anxiety causes me to almost severely decrease my caloric intake. Well I went home for the weekend (I'm doing long distance for school), and both my mother and fiance commented about how much weight I lost - I was in an HA spiral. My fiance particularly noticed that my breasts have decreased in size.

So when I went back to the doctor and my current spiral was handled and it truely felt better, I weighed in and I hadn't really lost any weight according to the scale. But I got home that night and looked at myself, and sure things my breasts have decreased like a whole cup size! Particular my right one, which triggers my anxiety. I know that this is normal.. but has any one else experience just soley breast fat loss and more in one than the other?

Sorry totally weird question..

17-02-17, 01:22
Sorry if this sounds weird but how old are you?
As females mature their breasts tend to change from a sort of puppy fat to more solid which can cause them to shrink, i don't think i've seen anything bad linked to breast loss actually, breasts are strange things and everybody is different in my eyes :)

17-02-17, 01:56
Sorry if this sounds weird but how old are you?
As females mature their breasts tend to change from a sort of puppy fat to more solid which can cause them to shrink, i don't think i've seen anything bad linked to breast loss actually, breasts are strange things and everybody is different in my eyes :)

Not weird considering how weird my post is..

I'm only 23. I'm just coming down from a spiral about some other things and in true anxiety fashion I've seemed to find something else to negatively focus on..

I agree I don't think shrinking is a red flag for anything bad.. I guess I'm more just bummed because it's kind of ruining my self-esteem a bit. Which in a perfect world it shouldn't.. but it is. And its different for me so I want it to go back to normal but gaining weight isn't really a healthy thing to do either haha.

17-02-17, 03:50
Yep :) Completely normal. When I fluctuate in weight my breasts are usually one of the first things to change. Nothing to worry about

17-02-17, 05:13
Weighing alone isn't enough to understand body composition and any changes. It's entirely possible you can lose fat and replace that weight value with muscle. Muscle change can mean how you look changes.

Since muscle is heavier than fat you can become smaller yet heavier. And more muscle is going to mean me ability to pull in water. More exercise will drive that too.

All of that can change your appearance to the eye. Look at how the recommend women to broaden their shoulders with weighted exercise to allow the waist to appear smaller.

That's why PT's say take measurements often and go by the trend.

As a man I can see fluctuations of about 1% in my body fat levels across 24 hours from the measurements I took over months. My hydration level changed with that % across the day.

So, consider the other elements required to understand your composition.

17-02-17, 11:20

I guess for me I wasn't trying to lose weight but I was going through a cancer spiral which caused me to lose weight, and now I seem to be fixate on another body part.

Man can this stop please? Haha.

17-02-17, 11:27
Weighing alone isn't enough to understand body composition and any changes. It's entirely possible you can lose fat and replace that weight value with muscle. Muscle change can mean how you look changes.

Since muscle is heavier than fat you can become smaller yet heavier. And more muscle is going to mean me ability to pull in water. More exercise will drive that too.
All of that can change your appearance to the eye. Look at how the recommend women to broaden their shoulders with weighted exercise to allow the waist to appear smaller.

That's why PT's say take measurements often and go by the trend.

As a man I can see fluctuations of about 1% in my body fat levels across 24 hours from the measurements I took over months. My hydration level changed with that % across the day.

So, consider the other elements required to understand your composition.

Though gaining muscle, especially for women, unfortunatwlt is hard to do and requires a progressive overload strength training program and enough calories.

18-02-17, 03:42
Though gaining muscle, especially for women, unfortunatwlt is hard to do and requires a progressive overload strength training program and enough calories.

Yes, the same with men. Calories are one element with diet.