View Full Version : It's always something with anxiety

17-02-17, 03:36
Does anyone else feel like they're never able to be 100 percent calm. Like you're always anxious about one thing, and then when you get over that one thing, something else starts. I was doing really good for about 6 months and now I feel like I'm starting to take a downturn. Ever since I got the flu I've been extremely anxious and it's so annoying. I'm a nanny and I love the kids to death, lately I've had intrusive thoughts about how I'll hurt them some day, or I'll think about things that I don't want to think about. I love them SO much, and I know that's why my OCD/Anxiety gets triggered because I would never hurt them. But I'm almost worried to go to work now because I don't want to be anxious and worried the whole time. Ugh

17-02-17, 04:10
Hi there , yes I also hop from one worry to another and if there isn't a worry which isnt often with my family I panic that it's all going to come crashing down with something big , and I too get intrusive thoughts about hurting the ones I love it all seems so easy to do something bad but they are just thoughts and the fact it upsets us must mean we wouldn't act upon them it's just our over active minds thinking worst case scenarios, it's not bloody easy being fruit cake 24 /7 is it it's exhausting, take care . :)

17-02-17, 10:44
Hahaha Buster70, 'it's not bloody easy being fruit cake 24/7'! Never a truer word was spoken. Brilliantly put. It's a full time job isn't it, or it can be when things are bad. Yes, I also get the switching-themes thing, I'm rarely free of worries at all, although I can have periods of down-time. I think this is normal for an anxiety disorder.

17-02-17, 16:29
Yep it's a full time job but the pays crap and we don't get holidays , up or down with no middle ground , my family are a constant source of fuel for my anxiety crazy train , but I have had a lot of good times in the past so there is always hope .:)

18-02-17, 05:33
A psychologist once told me the more we have, the more we fear losing. The same would apply to the more we love something or someone, the more we will fear losing them.

The reason being we create stress and pressure on ourselves due to our worrying about "what if's".

It's difficult to learn but the attitude we need to try and learn is a more relaxed approach toward life. For instance, when I took my school exams, I was literally sick with worry for fear of failing. When I took my driving test, I was worried sick I'd fail that too. When finding the job that you really want, you worry you'll be rejected.

Looking back now I think to myself what was the point of worrying myself sick over those things but at the time they felt really important to me. However, as my mother used to say, life sorts things out for itself and what will be will be but I still find myself going from one worry to another. I just try not to dwell on them.