View Full Version : Dizzy

17-02-17, 17:30
My other post talked about how I had my wisdom teeth out on Tuesday. My stomach has just been hurting a bit, but other than that I'm just completely out of it. I've been doing nothing but sleeping the past 2 days. I'm on Amoxicillian and I stopped the pain medicine because hoenstly my mouth doesn't hurt that bad anymore. I just feel weird, dizzy and spacey. I just went and too a shower and I was washing myself I just feel like something isn't right. For the most part I feel okay but I just feel dizzy and weird! After I woke up from the surgery I told the nurse I was dizzy and she gave me more fluids through the iv which helped. Maybe I'm dehydrated too, I really don't know. I'm just panicking a lot right now, not sure if I should call an ambulance or something! I'm 17 and I really don't want t worry my parents. Ugh! I should have never gotten them taken out

17-02-17, 19:33
I'm 17 as well and used to frequently feel dizzy and weirdly spaced out a few years ago but for me it was just anxiety! It could just be anxiety, would you be able to talk to a doctor? Also maybe try drinking some water or something sugary like a sports drink if you can (I'm not sure what you can have after wisdom tooth removal, sorry!) I hope it goes away for you soon.