View Full Version : Can anyone advise me on coping techniques?

19-04-07, 20:41
Hi guys and girls, how are you all?
Its Dave here, still suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. Tomorrow is a big day for me as a matter of fact and i was hoping you may be able to help me out, advising me of any coping techniques you may know of or personally employ to help you get through moments of panic in situations you most fear. Tomorrow I am going to my local job centre for an hour review of my situation and im as usual terrified of panicking because i am in a situation i cannot easily escape from (in a chair chatting to an advisor without being able to escape for an hour). It annoys me to see that people without panic don't think anything about this kind of meeting and for me, it is a monumental stressful event. I just want to be able to go there, think positive and act confident all the way through the meeting and not panic once and seeing as though panic is generally all in the mind, i would like to know how i can do my best to prevent myself from panicking or sensations of panic attacks.
One of my biggest fears is fainting as i suffer with social anxiety also and fear the attention on me that would be caused by fainting. What can i do before i leave the house in the morning to best ensure i don't feel in anyway faint during the day as a result of panic? Also just in general, what coping techniques do you advise to get through stressful occasions for people like the one i have tomorrow? Right now im getting palpitations and can't breathe properly.
I would just love to bottle how safe i feel when at home just chilling out and feel the same way when im out and about, without constant fears of fainting, not being able to breathe and at the extremes of my panic, dying. I am scared and terrified and need advice badly guys. My meeting as at 10am tomorrow morning. Helppppp!!!!

Dave, UK

19-04-07, 21:43
Hey Dave.

Unfortunately, worrying about it before you go is more likely to make you panic. It's called 'anticipatory anxiety'...the more you think you're going to panic, the more likely you are to panic. Try not to think about it, do some relaxation exercises, deep breathing etc.

The other thing I would say is, whatever happens, try your hardest not to run out. I've also suffered with a massive fainting phobia and used to find it nearly impossible to sit in meetings like the one you have tomorrow. I'd feel so faint, and leg it. But if you stick it out and just allow the feelings to wash over you, it will pass off and you'll start to feel better quite quickly. Horrid at the time, but it doesn't last long and you'll be chuffed with yourself afterwards. Treat yourself after it's finished.....with whatever makes you happy. Meet some friends, get lots of chocolate, whatever. Then you'll have something to aim for and look forward to.

Good luck - I wish you well :) xx

19-04-07, 22:18
maybe I am wrong
but an interview at job centre suggests you are possibly on benefits due to incapacity?
Let them see the truth.
I went to an occupational health interview and had a panic attack. Woman didn't interview me longer than necc.
It wasn't put on, I didn't forsee it, but it was real.
Let be what will be, you will be true to yourself at this moment in time.

19-04-07, 23:05
Hi Dave

Have you read the coping page on the left???

Also, rescue remedy, water and make sure you eat beforehand.

You will be fine once in there and concentrating.

21-04-07, 12:17
Hello Dave !

How did your interview go ? Tell us how you got on before and after

22-04-07, 18:11
Dave I hope your interview went well. I would suggest learning to counter your anxiety provoking thoughts in a tea form. Longer term you may want to get some cognitive training also.

23-04-07, 21:55
Thanks guys for wanting to know how i got on. I am not going to lie and say it was a walk in the park but i am still here so yet again, Dave 1-Panic 0.

The day started like this. I woke up around 7am (my appointment was at 10am). I was feeling slightly aggitated but it was a nice day and so somehow my mood was slightly more upbeat than i had predicted. As time drew nearer i started to get the butterfly sensation in my belly and because this sensation overided me i was unable to go for a tinkle before i left the house (don't ask me why, even i didn't know)

So i am out and walking towards the job centre and damn my luck i need to go to the toilet desperately (for a wee). This leg crossing certainly took my mind off panic and all i could think about was find somewhere to go to the loo. Being before 10am however, the only place i could have gone to (a pub) was closed and so i had to do my best to hold it in. I figured the job centre must have one for their staff and they probably would let me use it.

So usually with me when i get to the job centre, i wait in the lobby area 20 mins or so before i go upstairs to the main office to gather my thoughts an d such like but today all i could think about was find a loo, find a loo so i literally ran up the steps and went into the main office and told the lady on the welcome desk that i was there to see a personal advisor regarding job seekers allowance. She took me over to where i had to sit and whilst she did that i asked her if there were any toilet facilities. She regretted to inform me that it was strictly for staff use and so i had to grin and bear it a little longer. This was getting worse but at least my mind wasnt fully on panic and anxiety. I was however still very nervous about my appointment and due to this was breathing heavy as i usually do when im in situations that provoke anxiety and its associated sensations.

I was sat down for 10 mins before getting called over to my desk where my appointment was being held. I was really nervous because the last time i went for this meeting i was there for almost an hour and a half but this meeting Friday lasted in total around 35 mins. I mentioned to the lady i was seeing that that was a quick appointment and she said well seeing as though your info is still all on the computer system, there is no need for us to take that length of time again establishing your needs. I was well relieved.

And how strange is it that throughout my interview i forgot about needing the toilet. I know i made it apparent i was an anxiery sufferer though throughout the meeting as the lady looked like she could notice my heavy breathing and saw that i was pinching the skin on my arm alot and generally being very fidgety. I didnt care though as us panic sufferers need to do what we can to get through things we fear, don't we?

So i thanked the lady for my time and took my new signing on book away with me and my first new sign on date and time is 11:10am this wednesday so wich me luck again then please guys and girls. I am not as nervous though for some reason.

My eternal question with panic and anxiety is this though. Why when we go somewhere and do something we are nervous about get through it fine do we not take this on board and then so the next time we have to face the same situation, we would be fine? I am not like this, generally everytime i go even to the same place i have been fine in, i am still very anxious about the ordeal. Does anyone else feel like this?

Thanks again for all your support guys,

Take Care

Dave, Birmingham

23-04-07, 22:08

Well done on coping!

I can relate to the loo thing as when I was made redundant in Jan I had to go and sign on as well.

I was dying for the loo too and they said they had no idea where the nearset loo was but would make it quick !

I found it a horrible experience signing on every 2 weeks and felt like a 2nd class citizen every time I went.

So I can sympathise.

I am now back at work so don't have to suffer that ordeal again - I am surprised most people aren't traumatised by it!

24-04-07, 02:38
Good work dave :)