View Full Version : Racing heart, palps and frightened

17-02-17, 19:00
In the past I have had issues with palpatations and I do suffer from anxiety, but on Jan 6th of this year I experienced some serious palpitations that freaked me out. I ended up with racing heart and panic that lasted for over three hours. I was scared but burped and rode it out. I just figured it was a really bad panic attack. I ended up taking lorazapam and eventually fell asleep from exhaustion.

I figured that would be the last of it, but noooo... a few days later I experienced another attack. Not as severe but still scary. I noticed that during these attacks I would have to burp and burp and burp somehow that seemed to bring my heart rate down. (I have a hiatal hernia) so I have had burping episodes before but never with heart rate going crazy.

Jan 26th rapid heatbeat 120 bm, burping, lots of noise from intestines and stomach and sometimes I get acid reflux with bitter taste but most other times I get reflux that is clear with some foam. I have to force it out and it feels like it is coming from my stomach through a little tube up my chest and out with lots of air and gurgling (sry, gross I know).

Went to doc and explained what was going on she did blood test all negative, ecg and said it was good, set me up with stress test which was good except for two etopic beats so doc ordered a 30 day event monitor.

During this time I have another episode of heart racing and call to see my doc ... she wasn't in office so saw different doctor who has me come in and says I'm slightly dehydrated and thinks my issue is my gallbladder. He sends me to ER where they give me fluids, labs and ultrassound of upper adominal and says I have a large gallstone (knew this since 2012) He refers me to gallbladder surgeon and gives me meds for pain and nausea (I never said I was in pain or nauseous) UGH why don't they listen.

I go to the gallbladder surgeon who says he doesn't think it is my gallbladder and refers me back to my doctor suggesting her to send me to GI doctor for endoscopy and to be tested for h-pilory.

During this time I saw one other doctor who said it was gerd and to take priolsec another ER doctor who did ecg, checked my lungs with stethoscope and said it was my hiatal hernia and sent me home.

All the while I have scary racing heart the event monitor people called to check on me yesterday because my heart rate was high enough to set off the parameters that the doc set for my heart rate. They wouldn't tell me how high it was but did say it was higher then 130 and I know my doc had set the max heart rate on my stress test 141. I am 5'4" 209 lbs so that doesn't help and very unactive.

I am just really scared because it is hard for me to understand why my heart rate is going crazy literally every day.

As for reflux I did have some the other day and some times I feel like food moves really slow down my throat. I haven't been able to eat much for fear of setting off an episode so I am calorie deficient which doesn't help.

I am currently taking prilosec and hoping maybe that will help, but I just can't wrap my brain around that this is all caused by gerd. My fears and anxiety tell me it is something more sinister and that I am going do die at any time.

Sorry for such a long post, but I needed it all out since the doctors don't seem to listen.

Anyone else have rapid heart rate off and on daily that just seemed to come out of no where? I set up in bed and it goes up to 90 bmp :(

18-02-17, 01:00
Mine seems to jump up to around 120 just by doing things. Like moving my kayak and then walking like ten feet up a bank back to my driveway. It freaks me out some too. I was just sent home from ER with clean bill of health also. I went in for chest pains.

The doctor just told me to cut back on caffeine.

18-02-17, 01:17
Yeah, even if my heart isn't palpitating (recently had a panic attack where it raced at 160bpm for 3 hrs) it can go up to 93 from underlying anxiety. It's usually in the seventies if I'm relaxed. I struggle leaving the house so just walking outside to my car makes it go to the nineties from anticipatory anxiety.

I burp too during a panic attack but I thought that was because of air swallowing when we hyperventilate. I find myself deliberately gulping and burping air back up to calm myself down when my chest is tight.

18-02-17, 02:45
Yeah, even if my heart isn't palpitating (recently had a panic attack where it raced at 160bpm for 3 hrs) it can go up to 93 from underlying anxiety. It's usually in the seventies if I'm relaxed. I struggle leaving the house so just walking outside to my car makes it go to the nineties from anticipatory anxiety.

I burp too during a panic attack but I thought that was because of air swallowing when we hyperventilate. I find myself deliberately gulping and burping air back up to calm myself down when my chest is tight.

Mine use to stay around 64-68 Bpm before our family dog died of ten years passed away few weeks ago since then I have gotten chest pains and pulipitations back. Now it site around 74-84 resting. And can go up to 100 or more just walking around. I think
Anxiety is playing a huge part in our hearts staying at higher pulse rates then usual.