View Full Version : feel tired fatigued nervous and shaky

17-02-17, 19:59
I feel tired, my eyes feel sleepy, I feel like I have a pressure on my head, and nervous and shaky, burping, acid reflux and nauseous.

The head pressure came on me last week after feeling really frustrated and anxious about something which then made me feel off balance, and felt like I got a cold starting.

I'm off on vacation tomorrow, on a plane, I'm afraid of these symptoms affecting me again.

Had a similar episode only worse spring last year, blood tests ecg etc. Were normal.

Is it likely anxiety causes this? I've been referred by a doctor to see a therapist for April.

Phoned surgery about it last week, I just wanted to rule out anything else that might be causing it, but the nurse told me it's probably just anxiety as soon as I mentioned feeling anxious and stressed and should talk to a therapist since they are the experts in anxiety....

But I can't until next month, and feel bad tonight...Feeling nervous and off balance and fatigued

17-02-17, 20:19
Those are my symptoms every second day when I am particularly bad. I had low b12 and started taking a B12 supplement and eating up to 4 hard boiled eggs a day and I've started to feel better. Also started to exercise more.

But these symptoms plagued me for a long time. I couldn't believe it was anxiety but the doctor said it is. I could even be fine one minute then they would all hit at once then go again. I think it's some kind of dumping of stress hormones into our system. The reflux happens because those stress hormones affect digestion. It's such an awful feeling.

21-02-17, 09:09
hi, omg I have started getting this past 2 weeks

do you feel like you are just about to fall asleep even in the morning after you have been sleeping ?

its really scaring me, I slept for 8 hours last night and woke up a few times but I feel like its time for bed

I feel like I'm just going to drift off at my desk

I thought about b12 but I just had a complete blood count and they said everything was fine ?

I am starting to think that I have a sleep disorder, maybe apnoea or something