View Full Version : Hi, health and social anxiety

17-02-17, 21:44
Hi all,

I have read posts on here for a while but this is the first I have written. I have had anxiety in various forms for many years, panic attacks, derealisation, social fears, health anxiety. And I am also mum to an 11 year old daughter who has anxiety. She has social phobia and GAD, after having selective mutism as a preschooler. Her wellbeing affects how I feel so much.

At the moment I am struggling because I have what is probably a bad cough and chest infection but I fear the worst and am forever researching possible causes online. I convince myself I will never get better. I also got told I had high blood pressure (a one off) so now I am paranoid about heart issues, spurred on by shortness of breath. Yet again, when I see a doctor, I am told everything is fine and it's nothing bad. That's the story of my life. I am constantly investigating ailments, to be told by a doctor that nothing is wrong. I am sure they must have written warnings about me on my notes by now.

I have struggled with social phobia for most of my life but have learnt to live with it so well that people would never guess. I am quiet in some situations but can talk and say what I need to. But now I have been told I have to do a classroom style presentation to 20+ people in work. It is my worst nightmare. I have gone to pieces and have even had bad dreams about it.

At times living with anxiety is so hard. I am struggling at the moment and would run away if I could. Life can be hard. I wonder if I have depression at times like this but have never broached the subject with a doctor.

I am hoping that talking and reading advice on here might help me.

Thanks xx

17-02-17, 21:52
Hiya polbailey and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

17-02-17, 22:01
Hi polbailey

Being anxious about giving a presentation is completely normal and you'll probably find anyone else that has to do it will be similar. I have to do these types of things regularly and find that making a few crib cards beforehand then having a quick run through in front of someone, maybe your daughter or a friend or two will make it much easier. You'll be amazed at how quickly the time will fly by and you'll be finished :D

18-02-17, 17:09
I'm new too, I just joined today, so I wanted to say hi to you. It sounds silly to welcome you when I'm also new, but welcome anyway! :) Hopefully you'll find some good support here to help you with what you're going through.


18-02-17, 17:19
Hello ! YOu are so not alone. I too fear that the doctors are "wrong" or something is going on inside me they can't see. I feel like they "shoo" me away because I am a frequent flyer. How are you doing?

21-02-17, 22:41
Hi everyone, thanks for the welcome, I am actually poorly with a virus and (of course) I feel I have more serious issues going on. It doesn't help that my BP was high - the docs said it was due to the virus, but now I worry it is causing heart issues!
Has anyone actually been diagnosed with health anxiety / hypochondria? I feel like going to the doctor and confessing all, telling them how I feel and why. Maybe sharing the burden will help it calm a little?
At the moment I think the fact that relatives had health issues quite young (50+) makes it worse.