View Full Version : Really ANXIOUS and sad about 3 MONTHS BOY

18-02-17, 00:29
So about 3 weeks ago, I broke up with my boyfriend who I'd known/been with for about 3/4 months. In that time, everything was just so intense and I just formed this really strong unhealthy emotional attachment to him and I would just have constant break downs at the idea of him leaving me or not wanting what I wanted (A relationship). I kept trying again and again but it was just the same dynamic and it eventually got to a point where he couldn't handle it anymore and he broke up with me (He'd done it before but this time it was a kinda "I don't wanna see you till I'm over it" way). I tried so hard to convince him to stay or still at least be friends with me but it didn't work and I came off as quite desperate and pathetic actually.

Anyway in correlation to this, in the past few weeks I've been feeling REALLY anxious about really small day to day things. People and situations make me anxious so easily and I get very jumpy very easily. Sometimes I don't want to leave my house because I'm too afraid of the outside world and I feel too sad/unmotivated to do so. I'm constantly in my head with these thoughts that make me feel everyone is against me and that everyone is going to leave me. I hadn't really connected this recent extreme anxiety with the break up until my friend made the link yesterday.

I had a lot of anxiety during the relationship as well in fear of him leaving me, and I just never remember being this anxious prior to the relationship. I suffered with depression before this for a while so I kinda thought maybe the anxiety was replacing that.

I also have very low self esteem and a limited amount of people that I feel comfortable reaching out too which fuels the anxiety even further. I'm trying to take on everything on my own and trying to be independent but it just shows that I'm not coping when I can't even leave my house.

I can get myself worked up so easily with just thoughts and I don't know what has caused this. I just don't understand how I can get separation anxiety if it IS that from someone I simply knew for 3 months???