View Full Version : Do u think that a brain tumor smaller then a pea can cause symptoms?

18-02-17, 01:14
I'm worried they missed one because it's small.

---------- Post added at 17:14 ---------- Previous post was at 17:14 ----------

I mean it can be just a small one that didn't show up

18-02-17, 01:24
Your anxiety is high right now. It's ok we have all been there. Your feeling everything is falling apart and is impending doom.

18-02-17, 01:33

---------- Post added at 17:33 ---------- Previous post was at 17:33 ----------

Please help

18-02-17, 02:33
Great question. Did you ask the doctor? If you haven't, give him/her a call. Anyone here would only be guessing. However a pea is pretty big. (Even half that size) and would have been found on an MRI--contrasted or not.

Quit looking for reason that an MRI failed.

---------- Post added at 21:33 ---------- Previous post was at 21:29 ----------

By the way. MRI found two papillomas in my breasts that were only a few millimeters--smaller than peas. MRI was even able to say that it was papillomas.

18-02-17, 02:51
Two millimeters aren't smaller than peas I don't think

bin tenn
18-02-17, 02:55
Two millimeters aren't smaller than peas I don't think

Peas are generally five to eight millimeters, according to Google.

18-02-17, 03:00
Oh. Thank you.

18-02-17, 03:14
May I ask what you're doing to treat your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

18-02-17, 03:15
I'm trying to use medication and meditation

18-02-17, 03:17
I'm trying to use medication and meditation

What meds are you on? Dosage? How long have you been on them?

Positive thoughts

18-02-17, 03:27
I've been on 25 mg of Zoloft for a week or so

18-02-17, 03:42
I've been on 25 mg of Zoloft for a week or so

Give it some time and as your adjust, your doctor may increase the dose. I used Zoloft (100mg) when I was going through some depression after my first heart attack. It really helped me get my feet back under me while I was doing therapy.

Good for you for taking a positive step.

BTW... no tumor IMO... just anxiety.

Positive thoughts

18-02-17, 03:43
Can an MRI show a 1 mm tumor?

18-02-17, 03:44
Can an MRI show a 1 mm tumor?

Please stop :( You don't have a tumor!

Positive thoughts

18-02-17, 14:53
Okay I LITERALLY measured a frozen pea from my freezer. The very first one pulled from the bag was approximately 1cm (10mm) maybe 9mm. My papillomas were 5-6mm. HALF the size of a pea. Further--- back 20 yrs ago when I had my first freak out about MS, my neurologist gave me an MRI looking for a different issue. It came back clear. But he told me he expected the MRI to show little PINPRICKS. PINPRICKS Yes that is how small MRIs can see things.

Now on to your 1mm....bigger than a pinprick

My eldest has a brain malformation.. Yes there is a large section of the malformation that could not be missed at all---schizencephaly. But there are also sucli (the curves of the brain) that were measured shallower than normal. . Further there is a section of the brain called the "septum pellucidum." It is a thin membrane that separates two of the ventricles. Anyway, the MRI (hell the CTscan)saw that it was absent. Her corpus callosum is measurably thinner. Yes, MRIs see all kinds of detail... By the way there was no contrast on ths MRI.

I was not going to even mention this because, well your anxious mind will just search for a way to negate this info. As this is what anxious minds do. However... Back in summer of 2008 my sister was dx'd with a large meningioma. This is a, usually, benign tumor of the meninges. Meninges is the covering of the brain. Meningioma effects the brain in the same kinds ways a tumor within the brain does.... Any ole way the neurosurgeon--CHIEF surgeon of the department of Hermann Hospital. (A top notch hospital in Houston, Texas) talked to us about how brain tumors behave and how they are dx'd etc... I will relay the info pertinent to your current questions....

**Brain tumors will grow unnoticed by the brain for a good while. In fact a brain will accommodate the interloper UNTIL it starts to impede brain function. Once large enough to impede function of the brain, the person begins having signs (signs are what doctors can see objectively) that something is awry.**

From that you can surmise--- any potential tumor missed by an MRI because it toooo minute for an MRI to detect could not possibly be impeding brain function. If it is not impeding brain function, then how could you have symptoms?

Jenna--- your anxious mind is chasing a unicorn. Your MRI showed nothing sinister. As fishmanpa said, allow the meds to start working. 25mg is a starter does... You still need to work up to a therapeutic dose. Even IF the med doesn't help, it does not mean your anxious thinking is correct.

18-02-17, 15:42
When u got that MRI was it without contrast?

18-02-17, 15:46
When u got that MRI was it without contrast?


Did you read my entire message

18-02-17, 15:48
Yes and it helped. I didn't know it could show really small tumors without contrast

18-02-17, 16:57
Thing is REALLY small tumors don't even impede brain function. Brain function that is not being impeded functions normally. a normal functioning brain does not exhibit brain tumor symptoms. Whether it is a contrasted. MRI or not. Sooooo even IF, IF, IF your anxious thinking is correct and you have some minute tumor undetectable by MRI, what you are feeling is not caused by a brain tumor. Why? Because tumors too small too impede brain function......

See where I am going here?

Same can be said for just about any cancer anywhere in the body... Organs function fine until a tumor becomes large enough to screws up the function of the organ. MY mother in law had lung cancer dx'd when it was the size of a pea by Xray. Found by accident really

---------- Post added at 11:57 ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 ----------

And I kinda feel like I am going to jump into a hole here asking you this, buttttt ;)

How did you end up with an MRI to begin with? Was the doctor giving you a reassurance test? I am asking because generally, a person exhibiting nothing really but a doc doing a CYA, will order an MRI w/o contrast. However If doc sees a big deal going on, doc will likely order an MRI with contrast. Brain tumors tend to soak up dye better and show more clearly. Having said that a speck of a tumor or a 1mm that showed up with a contrasted MRI would not be a tumor large enough to impede brain function. And a tumor not impeding brain function doesn't cause symptoms....

18-02-17, 17:41
My doctor says it was for reassurance. But they got me one because phantom smells can be from tumors

18-02-17, 17:44
My doctor says it was for reassurance. But they got me one because phantom smells can be from tumors

No... they did it for your reassurance and not because of any other reason. Your anxiety is telling you it's for other reasons.

Positive thoughts

18-02-17, 17:47
But the insurance made it cheaper because there could be a tumor

18-02-17, 17:51
Ummm... that's not how insurance works I'm afraid :blush:

It's quite apparent at this point that you're in a really bad place. Nothing anyone can say will help. Please ask for help with your real illness **anxiety**.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

18-02-17, 17:54
How do you know all this sixpack?

---------- Post added at 09:54 ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 ----------

Oh. My step dad told me that

18-02-17, 17:57
How do you know all this sixpack?

Please go back and re-read what sixpack posted.

Good luck and as always

Positive thoughts

18-02-17, 17:58
Ok. Sorry:huh:

18-02-17, 20:08
My doctor says it was for reassurance. But they got me one because phantom smells can be from tumors

So your doctor saw no sign of brain tumor. And thought he was being helpful ordering a 'peace of mind' MRI because he plainly saw you thought these smells were evidence of a tumor..

Regarding phantom smells: Actually there are many causes for phantom smells--- ie anxiety/stress (i.e., a person thinking phantom smells means tumor ;) ), sinus issues, just one of those weird brain things that just happen, or simple partial seizures originating in the temporal lobe.

Everybody ends up with these smells in life. All by itself, along with normal neuro exam, normal vision etc, does not point to a brain tumor at all. As your Bain scan has pointed out. And as we have talked about an itty, bitty speck of a tumor that you are worried over would not be big enough to cause simple partial seizures.

So be glad. You obviously don't have a brain tumor

---------- Post added at 15:08 ---------- Previous post was at 14:40 ----------

And I know about a lot of this stuff because:

1. I have known a lot people with brain tumors. One being my dad with a temporal lobe brain tumor-cancer and My sister had a LARGE meningioma on her frontal lobe.

2. My eldest has serious neurological issues. I have known many neuros over the years and learned a lot about the brain. My daughter has a SERIOUS seizure disorder. I know too much about them.

3. My 4th child has neurological developmental disorder--very mild in comparison to my eldest. She has normal IQ but some neuro deficits

4. I work for an agency that services people with severe developmental issues.

5. I had HA--generally neuro based fears. That intro'd me to another set of neuro doctors.

6. Self-educated myself by logically looking at disease of the brain.

7. I am 53. Life experience.

18-02-17, 23:53
So I could be having seizures? Would that show in the MRI? They don't run in my family.:weep:

Catherine S
19-02-17, 00:08
My advice is go back to your doctor, because its obvious that nothing said here is helping you.


19-02-17, 00:15
So I could be having seizures? Would that show in the MRI? They don't run in my family.:weep:

And you deducted this how? :huh:

I agree with ISB. This isn't helping in the least :(

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

19-02-17, 00:23
Never mind just forget I said that

---------- Post added at 16:23 ---------- Previous post was at 16:21 ----------

Thanks guys. It may sound like you didn't help but you did.

19-02-17, 00:53
Never mind just forget I said that

---------- Post added at 16:23 ---------- Previous post was at 16:21 ----------

Thanks guys. It may sound like you didn't help but you did.

Phew, cuz I was gonna have to school you :scared15:

19-02-17, 01:34
What were you gonna say?

---------- Post added at 17:34 ---------- Previous post was at 17:21 ----------

Please tell me

19-02-17, 01:37
What were you gonna say?

---------- Post added at 17:34 ---------- Previous post was at 17:21 ----------

Please tell me

I was going to chew you out for jumping to ridiculous conclusions and only taking snippets out of a huge post twisting it around and panicking over it for zero reason.

---------- Post added at 20:37 ---------- Previous post was at 20:35 ----------

Take your medication... Titrate it up over a period of a few weeks to a therapeutic level, seek therapy, quit googling, quit seeking reassurance, start doing positive things to keep you from ruminating on illnesses that you do not have. Over time and with effort, your anxious thinking will stop having a strangle hold on you.

23-02-17, 23:13
So any tumor that will cause symptoms will be seen by any MRI?

23-02-17, 23:25
As I already posted before

I was not going to even mention this because, well your anxious mind will just search for a way to negate this info. As this is what anxious minds do. However... Back in summer of 2008 my sister was dx'd with a large meningioma. This is a, usually, benign tumor of the meninges. Meninges is the covering of the brain. Meningioma effects the brain in the same kinds ways a tumor within the brain does.... Any ole way the neurosurgeon--CHIEF surgeon of the department of Hermann Hospital. (A top notch hospital in Houston, Texas) talked to us about how brain tumors behave and how they are dx'd etc... I will relay the info pertinent to your current questions....

**Brain tumors will grow unnoticed by the brain for a good while. In fact a brain will accommodate the interloper UNTIL it starts to impede brain function. Once large enough to impede function of the brain, the person begins having signs (signs are what doctors can see objectively) that something is awry.**

From that you can surmise--- any potential tumor missed by an MRI because it toooo minute for an MRI to detect could not possibly be impeding brain function. If it is not impeding brain function, then how could you have symptoms?

---------- Post added at 18:25 ---------- Previous post was at 18:19 ----------

Take your medication... Titrate it up over a period of a few weeks to a therapeutic level, seek therapy, quit googling, quit seeking reassurance, start doing positive things to keep you from ruminating on illnesses that you do not have. Over time and with effort, your anxious thinking will stop having a strangle hold on you.

24-02-17, 00:16
My doctor says it was for reassurance. But they got me one because phantom smells can be from tumors

This is something I always see as a classic mistake in HA. It just opens the door to more questioning, which is very clear in how you are asking such detailed questions, which with respect to clearly experienced members, are questions for those trained to answer them, not anonymous Internet people.

Your doctor should have stuck to his guns and refused unnecessary testing. A therapist would be against reassurance testing as it undermines the extinction you need to do to get out of these cycles.

24-02-17, 08:20
Yeah I just don't get it either. A trained professional who has seen your scans has told you you don't have a brain tumour. What is the point of coming here and asking the opinion of a bunch of faceless people who have never seen you, never seen your scans and who are not trained to discuss your results even if you posted the scans here? How can any response you get be even remotely reassuring when at the back of your mind you know all that anyway. Get help from a mental health professional. Just as there are no trained doctors here nor are there any psychologists or psychiatrists.