View Full Version : Does this sound like a panic attack?

18-02-17, 02:46
A family member of mine has what he considers "absent seizures" however it hasn't been diagnosed. The last few years or so, he's 20 now, when speaking to him, he'll all of a sudden have a hard time explaining something. He will go "hold on" and say he feels weird. He says it's like he blanks out, feels tingly, and his heart will start racing. He will just space off for less than a minute without responding because he says he "can't talk" and then after, he has a hard time putting words into a sentence, almost like his brain is going faster than he's talking. He paces and just tries to calm down cuz it's something that scares him. Does this sound like a panic attack? Seizure? I know this sounds bizarre, but can anyone relate?

22-02-17, 01:40
I wouldn't be able to answer if it is or not a panic attack no one on here could. But I can say that my panic attacks are very extreme so it definitely would not surprise me if this is what he's experiencing. How long does it take him to calm down and is there anything triggering these 'attacks'? Best thing to do would be to get it ruled out at the doctors but yea I believe it could be very possible that it's a panic attack as mine are just as bad in a different way. Panic/anxiety does strange things to your body!

22-02-17, 03:54
Absence seizures are apparently suddenly staring into space... A panic attack certainly involves tingling and a racing heart. I can't be sure but I doubt someone who had an absence seizure would need to pace around to calm down. But anxiety sure causes that.

It sounds like a panic attack. A friend of mine has seizures and my panic attacks are worse than her seizures. Because with a seizure you don't have the same awareness you have when having a panic attack. A panic attack heightens the senses and the sufferer feels everything. Noises get louder, lights get brighter, disorientation occurs.

Some of my attacks have presented the way you describe. Sudden onset and feeling like you need a minute. He's tingling because he's hyperventilating (you don't need to look like you're hyperventilating to actually be hyperventilating either so don't think it has to look dramatic) I've never not been able to form words but panic affects everyone differently. I get agitated, but I can see how someone might suddenly have a hard time constructing a sentence. They're an intense experience.

Watch from 4:20.. She has trouble speaking. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=Y4B899IT1jw