View Full Version : Anxiety back with a bang

18-02-17, 06:11
I'm on 40mg of citalopram and pregabalin twice a day.

Things have been OK over the winter but yesterday as the weather turned warmer I found myself feeling very anxious and somewhat panicked. I could feel my wind pipe closing and I became short tempered with loved ones. I'm due to see the doctor soon and I'm somewhat embarrassed that I'm still feeling like this. I know he will have wanted me to have contacted the mental health people at the local NHS but I haven't as its not really helped before. :shrug:

I don't really enjoy doing anything any more and if I'm honest I haven't for ages. Its a wet blanket over everything.

From a medication point of view, where do I go next? :weep:

19-02-17, 20:06
I don't take meds for my anxiety, but it sounds to me like you need to look into the dosage and type. I have friends and family on meds for anxiety and depression and from what I've heard, finding the right one and dosage can be time consuming and a little bit challenging.

Check in with your GP and let her/him know what is going on.

Hang in there!

21-02-17, 21:48
Yeah, i'm on 150mg of pregabalin twice a day and its making me feel woosy in the head.

21-02-17, 23:00
Hi Pete_uk
I am sorry your anxious feelings have returned, i am in a similar position. I take a small dose of clomipramine but think I need to go back and look at my dose as my anxiety has returned as well and it really gets me down.

22-02-17, 00:30
I've been on multiple meds and multiple dosages of those meds. Anxiety is annoying like that. A med will be a miracle for one person but not do anything for the next. And a lot of the times if you are on a med for a long time it stops being as effective for you and you need a dosage increase. I hope you are able to talk to your doc and find a dosage and med that works for you soon, I know how terrible it is to live like that.

22-02-17, 03:47
Prozac helped my anxiety immensely. i just couldn't deal with the side effects, so I tapered off after one year.
Currently unmedicated; anxiety, of course, is back with a vengeance. :(

best wishes.

22-02-17, 17:26
I can't take ssri's but found clomipramine has helped. Anxiety is horrible, agitation, speeded up annoyingly horrible.

22-02-17, 17:52
Poor you, Pete. This sounds really hard. I think you should talk to your doc and see what they recommend. You could possibly up the dose of Pregabalin, or switch meds, but I wouldn't rule out the community MH team and some kind of therapy. Sometimes it's a case of setting positive goals for yourself as well as dealing with the anxiety. Good luck!

05-03-17, 17:08
Thanks for the support guys.

I'm kind of wanting to get of the Pregabalin as its making me feel drowsy. I'm worried about going onto things that may cause weight gain but I'm wondering if after 12 years on the Citalopram its stopped working?

I am having intrusive thoughts more than ever and I am really not enjoying anything any more.

05-03-17, 17:28
You've been on citalopram for 12 years Pete??? Has it worked for you up until now?

17-03-17, 17:28
Well, yes, but I had relatively little anxiety for quite a few years then in mid 2013 something happened that made me want to flee or die. I'm kind of at that point again but not so bad.

17-03-17, 18:19
I'm on 40mg of citalopram and pregabalin twice a day.

Things have been OK over the winter but yesterday as the weather turned warmer I found myself feeling very anxious and somewhat panicked. I could feel my wind pipe closing and I became short tempered with loved ones. I'm due to see the doctor soon and I'm somewhat embarrassed that I'm still feeling like this. I know he will have wanted me to have contacted the mental health people at the local NHS but I haven't as its not really helped before. :shrug:

I don't really enjoy doing anything any more and if I'm honest I haven't for ages. Its a wet blanket over everything.

From a medication point of view, where do I go next? :weep:

Pete, I too am trying medication, Zoloft 25mg. I hate the side effects and everyone tells me they get better. I'm just not sure if I want to stay on the medication train. I'm calling my doctor on Monday. Right now that is all you can do is work with your physician and figures out what works for you. I wish I had a better solution. Look up a senior member, Bill on the GAD posts. He has a wealth of information. Take care.

---------- Post added at 14:19 ---------- Previous post was at 14:13 ----------

I don't take meds for my anxiety, but it sounds to me like you need to look into the dosage and type. I have friends and family on meds for anxiety and depression and from what I've heard, finding the right one and dosage can be time consuming and a little bit challenging.

Check in with your GP and let her/him know what is going on.

Hang in there!

Hi Mochi, I'm from the states as well, in Virginia. I too am on meds but I'm thinking about stopping. I know it is a journey to try to find the right one, dealing with side effects, blah blah blah. I just feel like going down that road again as I tried it a few years ago. They helped me when I needed them but I want the old me back, anxiety and all. I think from what I have learned I want to try and cope with life with out them. Time will tell.