View Full Version : Ill since December and convinced I have a chronic disease

18-02-17, 12:27
I keep having bouts of what seems like bad cold and/or flu viruses. This started just before Christmas when I was the sickest I've ever been and these have been the worst couple months of my life. I've had a myriad of respiratory and digestive symptoms but the most debilitating is the general feeling of malaise and severe fatigue. I also feel flushed but as of recently my temperature is only 37.0 (which is a bit higher than my usual but still not a fever). I'm sick of being sick and convinced I will never feel better. I'll sometimes go for a couple weeks of feeling pretty much normal and then come down with it again.

My doctor just says that I keep picking up the seasonal viruses, and that it's normal and that it will probably continue until the spring when the weather improves. But I feel like there must be something else going on here, until this winter I was a healthy 17 year old, but now for the first time in my life I am a sickly person. My parents have gotten colds on and off this year but nothing close to the symptoms I've had. I feel like I've been hit by a truck.

I have tested negative for STDs repeatedly (I thought it was HIV at first), glandular fever/mono, allergies and bacterial infections etc. I also had blood work to check my immune function and other things and apparently everything appeared to be absolutely fine. But I just know that something sinister must be going on with my health that hasn't shown up. I feel like life isn't worth living like this and not knowing what's wrong with me is driving me insane. This is ruining my life. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

18-02-17, 13:27
This is classic health anxiety hun - all tests came back negative yet we still latch on and believe the doctors missed something.

Anxiety and depression can hit anyone at anytime. Have you tried talking to someone about this?

18-02-17, 13:49
Yes I have told my mum about my worries and she keeps on telling me I won't be sick forever but even she is starting to get fed up of it now. I told my psychotherapist about it as well and she thinks that maybe the reason why I'm now sick all of the time is that I've weakened myself through bulimia.

18-02-17, 18:23
maybe the reason why I'm now sick all of the time is that I've weakened myself through bulimia.

Lack of sleep and also anxiety can weaken your immunity too.

18-02-17, 18:33
I HAVE THE SAME THING!!!!!!!!! Our family got the flu in December. The worst flu that I can remember and it lasted 2 and half weeks. Then a cold. Then another cold which turned into a sinus infection that lasted another 3 weeks and then another cold and sinus infection that is going on now. My stomach does feel a bit off too. I must have a really crappy immune system because it has been terrible. I do have a 5 year old son who keeps bringing these viruses home and I have to say his teachers are always sick too. Not to mention I have heard that this year has been so bad for viruses. really bad. I am in the same boat as you. I feel like I have to go for a full check up because I am afraid something else is going on. My doctor (who sees me more than she would like to) seems unconcerned.

18-02-17, 18:44
Viruses can drag on all winter; I've had years like that.
The year I was 19, after having had two children in fourteen months, I was sick, sick, sick. I had worn my body out, I basically had no immune system left to fight off any virus that came along.
I would imagine an eating disorder could weaken your body in much the same way.
I did eventually recover; by the next winter, I was not sick so often, and after a few years I was back to my normal, healthy self.
Be kind to your body- remember that bulimia, besides depriving your body of nutrients, also irritates your throat, allowing opportunistic infections a way in.
Eat, drink (water, of course), and rest. All will be well. Winter will soon be over.

Best wishes.

18-02-17, 21:48
This winter has been a nightmare for me. My mum and I both had the same virus that lasted 6 weeks. We have both recovered now (from the virus) but I still feel really bad. Can't put my finger on what, I just feel ill.

I'm assuming it is that my immune system is all out of whack thanks to the bug

19-02-17, 09:15
I went though it last year . They tested me for everything under the sun . STD's,hiv , strep throat, culture swabs , EBV , and idk what else . They gave me an overload of antibiotics &a that would only help momentarily . Then they figure out it was a virus and at that point I got sick of them telling me to give it Time. I kept getting swollen tonsils ( white spots) look like strep throat, cough , congestion, and a low grade fever .

I eventually started eating garlic Twce a day , Manuka honey, and supplements . Vitamin C, Zinc, selenium, vitamin A & D. Also gargling with organic apple cider vinegar . Eventually it started to go away but my tonsils are still swollen . So I requested to see an ENT.

Went a little
More than two months of hell and i felt at my worst during finals week .

I really feel your pain I was sick of doctors throwing pills at me and telling me to give it time . I would cry to my mother because I felt like it was never going to go away . It was horrible but it slowly started to get better . I really feel for you it feels horrible . Everyone would tell me to give it time and I hate it that lol .

Things slowly started to get better . I suggest you start supplementing

05-03-17, 14:07
Here I am, still no better.

This is getting ridiculous now. I have the same symptoms, feel really ill plus now I have bad diarrhea. I think I should go back to my GP but I feel embarrassed about the amount of times I've seen him already and I don't see how he can be of any help. Do youguys think I should ask to be referred to an immunologist or infectious disease specialist?

05-03-17, 14:31
Last year I was sick for 2-3 months. I felt horrible. Missed work. Started to get better after about a month, and then got sick again. After that my stomach was screwed up from all of the mucus and whatnot. Didn't go to the doctors at all. It was a flu or cold or whatever.