View Full Version : prickly skin that sometimes itches

18-02-17, 15:10

for two days had prickly skin all over. Sometimes it is itchy. Looked it up on google it says ms. Omg my cant it just say dry skin. I have got a new dressing gown that has felt itchy when wearing it and thought if I wash it it would be ok but no it still makes me itchy.

It feels itchy, prickly and quite sensitive when my clothes rub my skin. anybody had this symptom.


18-02-17, 15:19
I have had skin burning sensation all over my back for about 2 months years ago, felts like I was sunburnt it was all down to my anxiety.

18-02-17, 15:31
thanks for your reply. It not really a sunburn feeling. More of an itch and prickle. Material feels hard on your skin. I havehad the feeling your talking about though. I feels sore to touch.

Never had this prickly feeling though its horrible wish I never googled it will I ever learn.


18-02-17, 15:46
Is it a bit like a slight numbness too?

I've had occasions where touching fabric to my skin felt prickly & numb. It's a nerve thing, I believe.

I've had similiar with nerve problems like sciatica in past and it's a very different feeling to muscular pain or bruising. It feels underneath the skin hence me saying like a numbness.

Yeah, I think you known how Google is going to respond so you've got your reply in above about MS being invalid.

18-02-17, 15:51

thanks for reply. No I wouldn't say numb just prickly so when I put clothes on the material seems to chaff. Its horrible. If its not prickly is feels itching. Ive brought some e45 cream to rub in as my skin is dry.


18-02-17, 16:05
Hi Lorraine

It's really hard to explain how mine felt. It was like I was very sensitive yet like I couldn't properly feel where I was touching. I've known others have it too but my mum & dad, neither who anxiety, have had same so I just put it down to one of the many weird things we seem to experience with anxiety. It just went.

I have read that paresthesia is known in anxiety. It might sound serious but it's a term that covers things like pins & needles, crawling sensations, etc.

Hopefully the cream will help. E45 is good. I've used it on my dry skin. You can get it for the bath too. I found that useful. I tend to get the tubs with thicker cream in as my mum, who's run the gauntlet of skin irritation & creams due to blood pressure med side effects over the years, said it was a better form than the tubes.

Washing tends to dry the skin out, I guess the soaps tend to do it? I tend to notice my skin dries out & gets itchy 24 hours after a shower for some reason.

21-02-17, 17:04
me again, omg still got the prickly skin. Wearing certain clothes is a nightmare feels like they have hair in them. Panicking sooo bad I'm now convinced it ms. what if it never goes? feeling really scared at the moment. I really want to think its stress and I do calm myself down but then start stressing about it again when it does not go.
