View Full Version : Upper right stitch type pain - for over 6 weeks now

18-02-17, 20:17
I've had this pain - a stitch type pain , just to the right of my belly button, for over 6 weeks now. It's not doubling me over but it is nagging and I need to rub it / put a hot water bottle on it a lot. It's constant and never goes away.
I thought at first it was from pulling something or causing a stitch from the gym, but it can't be that to go on for so long.
I also thought it could be IBS as I do have that , and have had a flare up recently with lots of cramping and bloating all over my belly, but this stitch pain is different.
I am starting to think it might be my liver or gall bladder. I'm obviously getting worried as I have quite severe health anxiety but I haven't googled as I know what will happen.
I take a lot of paracetamol for regular headaches so worry it could be liver damage , I've not taken any for around 3 weeks now though as I'm aware it's not good for me despite my headaches.
I also thought it could be a stomach ulcer .
I'll go to my GP surgery on Monday if I can see someone , and I really didn't want to have to do this, but I'm getting scared now . Any words of advice until then would be appreciated, but I'm just using this to get my worry off my chest too x

19-02-17, 08:27
I've had a stomach ulcer and it certainly doesn't match your symptoms, Carrie. As for liver/gall bladder problems-I think this is your HA wanting to assert itself and latch on to your growing anxiety over the pain.

I think the only way forward for you is to visit your GP and tell him/her your concerns and then you'll get a proper assessment and hopefully an explanation which you can accept? Obviously you will lay yourself open to the " I'm not sure I believe this" option but I doubt whether this pain would have remained at "stitch-like" level if it was something serious ie liver or gall bladder related.

It's not easy to keep your head above the water with HA. I think it would be perfectly reasonable to get this checked out by a GP though especially with a view to your upcoming trip to America xx