View Full Version : Is this just phlemgh?

Clydesdale Epona
19-02-17, 14:37
My throat is feeling rather tight/clogged and a weird kind of cold/sore today, i've got the classic post nasal drip symptoms and i'm very snorty which is making me think its phlemgh and the flu because i feel kind sick too, but i had some naked noodles at 12 and my silent reflux is pretty bad that my noodles and acid is trying to come back up, my mind is just saying that my throat feels clogged because of my noodles and that i'm going to end up choking at some point :weep:

19-02-17, 14:41
Yes, it really does sound as though that is all it is

Clydesdale Epona
19-02-17, 14:46
Thanks for the reassurance,
on a TMI scale
a lot of my noodles just came back up and now i'm really scared i'm going to end up choking, it rather sucks

19-02-17, 14:48
Are you taking mess for the reflux?

Clydesdale Epona
19-02-17, 14:57
I have omeprazole which stops the acid but nothing really stops the food coming up,
it's usually okay to deal with but today it's pretty bad i'm guessing because i feel sick its a little more violent? i've had it for a while so i ought to not be so worried but i have a terrible fear of choking and i can feel the noodles in my throat which is just making me worry i'll end up choking although it's now nearly 15:00 and i ate at 12:00 so i'm guessing there's no danger there x