View Full Version : Anxiety AND Depression

19-02-17, 18:20
I don't want to google for obvious reasons but is it possible to have both at once?

they seem such separate ends of the spectrum yet I feel both very real.

19-02-17, 18:32
It's common. I think about 50% of anxiety cases also involve depression. Some develop depression secondary to anxiety, some develop them the other way round. They're two sides of the same coin, and they regularly go hand in hand.

19-02-17, 18:53

Yes it's very common 58% of people with depression are found to have an anxiety disorder. I've been diagnosed with both, I'm getting therapy in a group at the moment and most of the patients with me have both. Therapy for both problems is actually quite similar according to my psychologist.

19-02-17, 18:57
I have both, I had depression first.

19-02-17, 19:11
Yes it's very common 58% of people with depression are found to have an anxiety disorder. I've been diagnosed with both, I'm getting therapy in a group at the moment and most of the patients with me have both. Therapy for both problems is actually quite similar according to my psychologist.

I am thrilled with the way my anxiety is being treated but I was NOT PREPARED for the depression. I had a couple of moments of "what if" self harm and quickly shook that and started looking for root cause. Scared the hell out of me.

19-02-17, 20:41
Yes, I have both. I,m told that's common. Treatments/ therapy often overlap. Best wishes.

19-02-17, 22:09

Yes. I have both.

I think they feed off each other.


19-02-17, 22:43

Yes. I have both.

I think they feed off each other.


I truly believe that is fact. I suffered depression after my heart attacks and cancer. "Scanxiety" was a part of it and yes, the two fed off each other. Starving one starved the other.

Positive thoughts

19-02-17, 23:30
From a diagnostic point of view, depression is more complex than we often realise. For instance, in the list of anxiety disorders there is a mixed depression & anxiety disorder which is an available diagnosis where they can't determine one is more prevalent than the other.

There are also many forms of depression. What we tend to call depression is more likely the label of mood disorder in many cases. It's like saying anxiety is anxiety without determining if your are a GAD, OCD, etc sufferer.

It's very possible to suffer depression symptoms without needing a diagnosis of depression. Whilst you see them as opposite ends, think about how taking a mental kicking everyday can hardly keep you happy & contented. Isn't depression in some form quite likely?

Also intrusive thoughts have a separation into OCD or depression based on more general symptoms.

I think they tend to avoid a separate diagnosis unless it's needed. I seem to recall WHO stating that.

bin tenn
20-02-17, 02:06
I've often felt that I may develop depression, even if mild, as a result of anxiety. Sometimes when I have anxious or otherwise irrational thoughts in response to stress I feel like it's literally going to drive me crazy. I don't have any concerns about my physical health aside from bumps now and then when I get sudden "symptoms", but I have a history of general anxiety, not just health related.

My doc's office doesn't formally refer to psychologists or other mental health resources. She did, however, give me a recommendation recently. I'll be making some calls this week so I can go talk to someone. My mom has depression, and I know many others who do. That's not something I want, and I'd rather catch it in the beginning as opposed to it going further before I take action - but that's only IF I get it (or already have it). Just a precaution, maybe even a bit irrational? Idk.

20-02-17, 19:35
I may have jumped to conclusions on it being depression but when I had a random intrusive thought that I couldn't live another 25 years like this and wondered how I would end it, it scared the ever living ^&*() out of me.

I have anxiety over dying and then chuck all that to the side and try and figure out how Im going to do it myself.

Then comes the backlash, why did it happen, oh no what if it happens again.

I dont want to scare anyone but I told my wife who looked at me like I had 2 heads after 2 years of listening to me freak about dying here I am saying I considered punching my own ticket.

20-02-17, 19:56
Sphincter I'm sorry you're feeling this way.

As everyone said, they very commonly occur together. When I'm in an anxiety spiral I get in a very depressive mood and can hardly leave my bed or do anything socializing.

I think there is a saying, something like "anxiety is caring too much and depression is not caring enough - and having both is hell."

Are the intrusive thoughts constant? If you're on a medication for anxiety there is a special type, SSRIs (Zoloft for example) that can be used to treat both at certain doses. Maybe speak to your doctor if the thoughts are coming all the time.

20-02-17, 20:59
"anxiety is caring too much and depression is not caring enough - and having both is hell."

SPOT THE F*@K ON! that needs to be added to my signature

The self harm intrusive thoughts dont come in very often thank god, and we have been messing with different meds to see about lessening some but thus far I seem to be having opposite reactions to SSRIs Prozac and Lexapro literally had me contemplating suicide.

Most of my intrusive thoughts are I have a pain in my side it must be (insert cancer type here)but when the self harm ones started to come in...its out of nowhere and if I am not careful and label them correctly I circle the drain FAST.

Zyprexa and Klonopin however has been a game changers PLUS I just started CBT so hopefully I can learn some new ways of thinking there as well. Here I am in the middle of my life (hopefully) and having to re learn how to think and be well passively.

20-02-17, 21:05
Ah I'm sorry, that's a shame. I hope CBT can really help! It's awesome that you're recognizing and taking great steps towards helping yourself.

20-02-17, 23:50
How much do you & your wife know about intrusive thoughts? I ask because it is well known in the medical world that all humans can have them (most don't realise), it's rare to act them out and has many themes involving harm.

The OCD board is pretty much all threads about them, or has been since I've been here.

Are you linking this to suicidal thinking from med side effects? If so, remember suicide is more about feeling so terrible it's the only way out, not a random thought out of nowhere. If an intrusive thoughts could do that, many of us would be a serious harm risk and that side of OCD would have numerous criminal cases leading to public protections - but there is nothing worldwide, that tells us there is no danger.

You aren't your thoughts. You have deeper controls built from childhood that are far more powerful. These thoughts clash with these hence it's just a dialogue between the subconscious to conscious of "ok, I'm stuck do tell me what to do with this thought conscious mind". React with negatives like fear and the area of the brain looking for reaction, which can only see negatives as the survival response is only expected to react that way, says "great, I did good there so I'll keep sending conscious mind more of these as he reacted do strongly they must be important".

From that dialogue you can work out what is best to do and what isn't.

21-02-17, 14:11
sage advice. thank you

21-02-17, 16:09
Not to tread old ground but yes, 100% anxiety and depression often go together.

I started with anxiety and stress and have been left with depression.