View Full Version : Brain bleed?

19-02-17, 19:16
I've been stressed lately when it comes to HA. I was at the ER like 2 days ago to severe leg pain. ER doctor did an ultrasound to rule out DVT and it was fine. So yesterday I tried to have a relaxing day with my boyfriend and I did that.We went to dinner and then I got a sharp pain in my head out nowhere. It got a little better if I moved my head but the pain eventually came back. I finally got home and it got worse. Probably an 8/10. I took Advil and it got better when I laid down, maybe down to a 4/10. Today my head just hurts like a normal headache overall.

I've never had a migraine but if you look up worst headache of your life, it leads to a brain bleed. I didn't pass out, having vomiting anything else besides a severe onset headache. But I'm Still scared that I should have/still should go get a head CT but I really don't want to go back to the ER for more expensive unneccasary tests. I'm also only 20 and I know brain bleeds are more common in 40 and up. Does this sound like a normal migraine or does it warrant a trip to the ER ??

19-02-17, 19:49
You wouldn't be posting here waiting for answers if it were a brain bleed.

Positive thoughts

19-02-17, 21:44
Why would you have a brain bleed out of the blue like that? That is truly a very unrealistic fear.

And, no, no ER trip. Truthfully you didn't need one for the leg either.

What are you doing for your anxiety disorder

19-02-17, 22:59
Currently I'm not doing anything for my anxiety, although I've been thinking about seeing someone. It's like once one thing resolves another pops up and I can't catch a break.

19-02-17, 23:16
Currently I'm not doing anything for my anxiety, although I've been thinking about seeing someone. It's like once one thing resolves another pops up and I can't catch a break.

If you had a physical illness, would you not seek help? You have a mental illness, The same thing applies.

Positive thoughts

20-02-17, 01:47
Currently I'm not doing anything for my anxiety, although I've been thinking about seeing someone. It's like once one thing resolves another pops up and I can't catch a break.

Problem is you are not really having any true health issues. You are having an anxious mind playing tricks on you and you are falling for those tricks every time. FISHMANPA is correct----