View Full Version : Not sure what to do... help!?

19-02-17, 19:32
I have had upper right pain/discomfort for years... 8 1/2 to be exact. The pain/discomfort is worse sometimes and better other times, but is always there. I have been to GPs (4-5) and Gastroenterologists (3)... over the years we have looked at my colon and stomach with scopes, I have had 2 abdominal CT scans, 2 MRIs to look at my pancreas and multiple ultrasounds. Little things have been found over the years, but no conclusions and no end to this.

Well, now I am still feeling the discomfort, but it has changed a little bit. I am feeling a tight feeling between my right rib cage and hip. Mostly a discomfort, not really painful, but nagging. Sometimes I will feel a sharp pinch for a couple of seconds, but that seems to go away. It also feel the pain (almost like a burning sensation) 3 inches above and to the right of my belly button and also in the same spot on my back. Sometimes my right rib (bottom) feels painful to the touch....

My last pancreas MRI was in August and I have not visited my GP about this for a while. I have been so anxious lately and hyper, HYPER focused on this... can't concentrate on much else!

My husband thinks I should exercise and work on the anxiety before seeking medical advice... I agree with him I think, but the HA voice is nagging me and telling me that there is something sinister going on and that I need to have another scan right away to make myself feel better... the problem is, it NEVER has made me feel better! Not even for a few minutes! Each scan, scope, doctor visit, blood test makes me panic more, not less.

I am SO TIRED of this. What would you do?

20-02-17, 01:25

20-02-17, 16:00
I am feeling very rejected by all the people who read my post and had nothing to say... I thought this forum was a place to go for support and understanding. I spend a lot of my time answering others non answered threads so they don't feel the way I am feeling.

Catherine S
20-02-17, 16:14
What would you like people to say? I could say don't worry but you will anyway. I could say go and have another scan but you've told us scans don't reassure you, so how can we reassure you here? Reading your opening post you've more less summed it all up so maybe people feel there's nothing more to add.

Having a pop at people won't help either by the way. You've had alot of support from lots of people here Mochi, so your comments are a bit unfair.


20-02-17, 17:04
I am not insulting anyone by saying I feel hurt. I am mearly expressing feelings.
I also was not exactly looking for reassurance, though maybe my message is not being read the way I intended it....

I am not sure what to do and was asking advice on that from others who feel as I do (anxious). I have felt so many pains that I was sure would kill me and they turned out to be nothing... I really cannot tell if I am going through that again or if I should call the doctor. I don't trust myself for some reason. I am usually good at making these calls, but this time I am not. I am going through a damned if I do, damned if I don't situation right now. I am anxious not calling the doctor, but I am also anxious calling her. Almost every scan I have done has resulted in some incidental finding that often needed to be looked at further with a more invasive test just to find that it was nothing.

I have been trying to find a counselor, but my insurance plan does not offer many options in that department and the one person they assigned me too was borderline hostile, telling me that she doesn't think anxiety is my problem and that she thinks I should tell myself I have a good life and move on. She said that she did not see anything for me to be anxious about considering I just moved into a new house and have a nice family. She honestly said these words to me and then said she was not sure what she could do for me.

I do not want to cash out my friends kindness when they don't really understand, so I came here today. A place where others can understand what I am going through. While I do post asking for help, I am not on here daily asking for support, just once in a while when things flare up. I am not an unreasonable person. I just need help sometimes, we all do no?

Sorry if you were offended, i meant no harm and was really just expressing a feeling. I am just in my own little hell right now and was hoping someone would reach out. Maybe you are right and I should just not post here anymore.

Thank you for your response :)


Catherine S
20-02-17, 17:19
Why is it that when people are called out for things they've said, they go on the attack? I've seen this on a few threads today. I never said you were insulting anybody at all. I said having a pop at people for not responding to your post was a bit unfair....and it was.

Saying you won't bother with the forum at all is a bit of an overreaction don't you think? Posting about your anxiety wasn't the point, having a go at people because they weren't answering your post quickly enough was.


20-02-17, 18:51

Catherine S
20-02-17, 19:02
Wow? Are you referring to your own comments? I recall you posting from an emergency room not too long ago, almost hysterical on here because nobody was replying to you. I pull you up about the same thing today and you're saying wow to me? Priceless.

My advice about your anxiety? Do what you feel is best for you....whatever that might be.


20-02-17, 19:49
i feel sorry for you. Really I do. You go on anxiety forums to fight with people. (I've read other comments of yours in response to people reaching out for help) That is not why I am here. I know I should keep in mind that there are a lot of attention seekers on this site and that the lense in which some people view others posts is one of judgement. You don't know me. You know nothing about me. I am not sure why I allowed myself to engage with you this far. This is a bit rediculous really. I am an intelligent person with a loving family and many friends who care and try to understand. Anxiety is a beast and makes me do things that are not rational. THIS is not rational. This whole experience is a good slap in the face. I need to talk to people who I can trust. I was silly to think a forum of anonymous people was that place. Thank you for opening my eyes. You will not hear from me again.

20-02-17, 20:00
I would try to accept that you have had multiple doctors and multiple tests that show nothing is wrong and move on. You should feel lucky you have been examined by so many doctors and are fine. I have a serious GI disease and I would love to be able to get so many opinions and tests.

Catherine S
20-02-17, 20:10
I don't "go on anxiety forums" Mochi, i'm on one anxiety forum, this one only and have been for quite some years. I'm here because I was a sufferer too and thankfully with time my anxiety is not as severe these days, but I know what it felt like. I'm not here to cause trouble or arguments...try reading up on my many posts handing out advice and support..there are loads including support on some of your threads, instead of accusing me of being something i'm not.

Once again this was never about your anxiety, it was about you having a go because nobody was replying to you. My first reply to you wasn't harsh at all, so why react the way you have, why twist it to make me look like a bad person. Not fair and not nice.


20-02-17, 20:46
I would try to accept that you have had multiple doctors and multiple tests that show nothing is wrong and move on. You should feel lucky you have been examined by so many doctors and are fine. I have a serious GI disease and I would love to be able to get so many opinions and tests.

Thank you for your kindness... I am sorry to read that you have serious issues that are not being addressed. I do not want to overburden my doctor with my anxiety, so I was reaching out for an opinion. I am leaning toward wait it out, but that monster in my head is just so loud. I struggle to be rational about it!

I second guess every pain, every burp, everything about my gut. I am driving myself crazy!

Thank you again!

20-02-17, 21:10
Sorry you felt rejected but I happen to agree with ISB concerning what can be said. Perhaps that's part of the reason there were no replies and one shouldn't take it personally anyway. If scientific medical tests cannot reassure you, what makes you think a stranger on an internet forum can? And to be fair here Mochi, ISB has replied and supported you on many of your threads.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

20-02-17, 21:10
What would you like people to say? I could say don't worry but you will anyway. I could say go and have another scan but you've told us scans don't reassure you, so how can we reassure you here? Reading your opening post you've more less summed it all up so maybe people feel there's nothing more to add.

Having a pop at people won't help either by the way. You've had alot of support from lots of people here Mochi, so your comments are a bit unfair.


OK OK, I know I said you would not hear from me again, but I had to say one more thing. My original post was asking for advice on whether I should or shouldn't reach out to my doctor. I am struggling to decide which voice to listen to in my mind, so I was asking for an opinion from others who also have the anxiety voice shouting at them sometimes. Maybe that didn't come across very clearly.

You said that I was having a pop at people. I read that as I was insulting people. Where I live, that is what that means. So when I responded to say I wasn't insulting anyone, it was because that is what I understood by your post. I am not a bad person. I just feel vulnerable, and was wondering why so many people read my post and didn't say anything to me. I didn't realize it would be considered, taking a pop at people as you say, to express my feelings.

You have given me advice in the past, you are right about that. I thank you for that advice. I have read other comments of yours however to not be very kind and that is what I was referring to. I think having an online conversation with someone in a different country who I've never met is really difficult. A lot is missing when you read people's comments online. So chances are I misunderstood.

I do not like having bad blood between myself and anyone else. I am known in my family and in my circle of friends as being the one who always needs to make everything better in the end. I don't know that I can do that today, as we do not know each other. But please understand that when I was asking why no one responded, it was because I was feeling badly about myself, and it had nothing to do with others.

I truly meant no harm in saying what I said. I was just feeling alone. To me, your comments were a bit of a kick when I was down, but I do not know your perspective and I should've asked you what you meant instead of reacting.

I am working with my children on science fair projects today and have allowed myself to get very distracted on this forum. Again I am sorry for my part in this discussion that went downhill.

I hope you have a lovely evening.

20-02-17, 21:32
Arg! I am not asking for reassurance! I am asking, what would you do for a new sensation that is different than those you have felt before... ignore it or check it out? Nothing to reassure. I gave the background to give it context, nothing more. I will try to be more clear next time.

Thank you.