View Full Version : Heavy head and dizziness

19-02-17, 19:52
Almost a year after anxiety and panic. I have this uncomfortable and overwhelming 'heavy' feeling in my head while sitting or standing, when sitting I automatically slouch forward while supporting my head in my hands as stitting up straight is extremely uncomfortable, standing for a long time is the worst as laying down is the only relief of this. It is also accompanied by a severe ongoing dizziness, I also feel a lot of pressure at the back of my head and neck. Symptoms are worse when sleep deprived and indeed drives me to panic with heightened anxiety! Are these from anxiety, should I have it checked out, I don't know how to tell my gp as he is already tired of seeing me after the 100th time... But this feeling is driving me literally insane its lowering my self esteem as I'm unable to go out and enjoy life like I usually did. I am a 23 year old stay home mom and am always at home, what could help with this annoying feeling in my head, will forcing myself to straighten my posture help? This is ruining me and at only 23 and feeling like I will be this anxious and uncomfortable till I die! Does it ever get better?! Its soo frustrating! I am, by the way 3 weeks postpartum does that have anything to do with it? I doubt! I am a mom to a 3 year old toddler and a newborn with a lot of stress and worry I am seeing a counsellor but hardly all the time as I'm an out patient please anyone?!