View Full Version : Sara8100

20-04-07, 09:50
Hi my name is sara i'm 22 live in sheffield. Everynight when it comes to bedtime i think i'm dying, i have all physical feelings that i'm dying and start to panic that it is happening. Its been happening now for 4months evrynight. Doctor has put me on sertraline and tamazepam, he tried antidepressants before, and i tried hypnotherapy, but did not work. I feel like i'm going crazy!!! I sleep on setee everynight with telly on to try and take my mind of it. I'm i going mad, am i dying?? or am i normal???:shrug:

20-04-07, 10:55
Hi Sara big :welcome:to you!

No, you're not going mad. No, you're not dying.........and yes, you could be 'normal' by NMP standards!

What I mean is this seems a classic symptom of anxiety/panic and we all understand what you're going through so be encouraged. You'll get lots of help and support here.

Take care:flowers:

20-04-07, 11:11
Hi sarah:hugs: welcome,so glad you found us,your new safe haven:flowers: Have replied to your other post too hun:) Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxx

20-04-07, 11:14
Hi Sara,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

Pink Princess
20-04-07, 16:10
hey sara welcome to the site, we are all very friendly here but also mad. hope you settle in and find the right support xxxx take kare xx

20-04-07, 16:43
Hi Sara

Welcome to NMP you will find this site very helpful and the members very supportive :)

What you are experiencing are signs of anxiety, I myself have panic attacks and anxiety. It can be hard to cope with sometimes but we are all here to help each other :)

And you are normal :)

Welcome again
Hope to chat to you soon

20-04-07, 18:55
Hi Sara

And welcome to NMP, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great help while making new friends on the way.:)

Take a look at the Symptoms, How to Cope and First Step pages that are sittuated at the left hand side of this page.


Keep going
20-04-07, 23:18
Hi my name is sara i'm 22 live in sheffield. Everynight when it comes to bedtime i think i'm dying, i have all physical feelings that i'm dying and start to panic that it is happening. Its been happening now for 4months evrynight. Doctor has put me on sertraline and tamazepam, he tried antidepressants before, and i tried hypnotherapy, but did not work. I feel like i'm going crazy!!! I sleep on setee everynight with telly on to try and take my mind of it. I'm i going mad, am i dying?? or am i normal???:shrug:

hi sara, big welcome. your not going mad and you are normal. its just mr panic playing his tricks on you.

stu :yesyes:

"i live in the rotherham area"

21-04-07, 12:24
hi and a big warm welcome

love sandy x

21-04-07, 18:43
Hi Sara

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

22-04-07, 15:37
Hi Sara,

Welcome to NMP and I agree it is anxiety messing with you. Read some of the posts on the boards and it will help you to know you are not alone. Again, a huge welcome.


22-04-07, 16:51

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx