View Full Version : I have petechiae which is giving me bad thoughts...

20-02-17, 00:35
Hi guys,

I've noticed I have a line of petechiae which are small broken veins (or something like that lol) but anyway it has scared the crap out of me. It looks like a small rash but doesnt itch or anything and I think it was from doing exercise yesterday (this is what I keep telling myself). But anyway, when I google it all sorts of awful illnesses pop up like meningitis, leukemia etc etc and now I feel like im having an anxiety attack. I keep getting waves of anxiety where I feel like im going to die, then the next minute I realise its a tiny little rash that will probably go in a few days, but then I suddenly get in to panic mode again :weep::weep: any ideas on how to stop these bad thoughts? do you think im ok and its not serious?


20-02-17, 01:21
I went to the doctors with exactly this two weeks ago. I had tiny little pinprick spots of blood under the skin which didn't go away when I pressed a glass on them. My HA was racing in my head and I was convinced I had leukaemia, was poking all over looking for swollen glands etc.

First question the doctor asked was had I been exercising. Yes, I started seeing a personal trainer (ironically to give me more confidence in my body and health) in the autumn. She has been getting me to lift heavier than I've ever lifted before. The doctor said that's what caused it, the spots are caused by stress to the capillaries and blood leaking through them. She said they'd go away if I stopped, or I'd probably get more if I carried on lifting. I've just noticed a load more on my forearms but I'm cool about them now. My HA will no doubt find another focus shortly, as that's how I seem to be at the moment but spots are no longer worrying me. If you've been exercising strenuously that could well be your answer.

20-02-17, 02:14
I took my little boy to the doctor awhile back for some petechiae on his chest/ near armpit.
It turned out it was a friction burn from the strap on his backpack.
Boy, did I feel silly.
Remember that any scratching or friction can cause these tiny burst capillaries, and that if they were caused by some systematic infection, you'd have many other symptoms going on.

Best wishes.