View Full Version : Feeling rubbish today

20-02-17, 05:39
I don't even know where to start. I'm feeling really anxious at the moment. I've had a lovely few days at home with my daughter over half term but now it's time for everything to go back to normal I'm struggling. I hardly slept last night worrying about today. I've got a horrible tight chest that I can't seem to shift and I feel so tired. I've got to be at work in an hour and I honestly don't know how I'm going to cope today. I transferred stores 2 days before my holiday last week and everything being new is so difficult. I'm wondering if I've done the right thing. I know I've only had a few days there but I'm not sure I'm gonna fit in.

I don't want to leave my little girl today I miss her so much, she will be at school and no doubt having a great time with her friends. It just breaks my heart not being with her. I'm so lucky to work the hours I do that fit around her school hours. Maybe I'm being daft and overprotective, I don't know like I said just feeling so rubbish today

20-02-17, 05:46
:hugs: sending you strength and hugs today. Be kind to yourself, you are allowed to have a rubbish day even if there is no real reason you can justify for it. It's natural to be worried when you start a new role or job and lots of people (especially those with anxiety!) worry that they won't fit in. These are normal fears, let yourself experience them but just keep getting on with things at your work and I'm sure in time you'll see that what you feared was not a reflection of reality and that in time you will feel more confident.

20-02-17, 09:31
Thank you for your kind words. It's not going to bad today I just can't lose this horrible ache in my chest I'm wondering if I could be coming down with a chest infection as I have a sore throat and my chest feels like I've been nonstop coughing it's so sore

20-02-17, 14:52
Chest pain is a known anxiety symptom, but if it persists then it would be worth seeing a doctor to get it checked out/ get some anti biotics or something if a chest infection. Hope you feel better soon

20-02-17, 16:57
Thank you again. I made it through work I'd say the pain was there 80% of the time I'm hoping some paracetamol and a hot water bottle will help tonight

21-02-17, 17:22
The worst days are when we feel anxious for no obvious reason. It's just something that happens and I've tried to make my peace with it.

Is your chest feeling any better? I know that I get that terrible tight knot in my stomach or chest that's just pure anxiety. Deep breathing exercises help to ease it a bit if you could find time to try those. I've downloaded a couple of guided meditations by Michael Sealey onto my phone so I can play them in bed, they're also available on Youtube and I find his voice particularly soothing and relaxing.

Hope you feel better today.