View Full Version : Not eaten in 3 days help

20-02-17, 11:21
Hey so me and my partner went through a rough day the other day where I thought it was over and I went back to my mums. Suddenly I had this knot in my stomach, chest and I wasn't able to eat. I woke up yesterday morning at my mums and puked up a small amount of blood (told it was because there was nothing else for me to puke up and that my body is so stressed out). I had maybe a quarter of a breakfast then I came back up to my home to try and fix things with my partner. He stayed the night with me, things are on the mend but it's on day 3 and I still can't eat. The thought of eating makes me want to vomit I know it's all down to fear/anxiety/stress but I don't know how to get myself eating again. There is still a strong chance that the relationship won't work out and maybe that's keeping the stress inside of me I don't know? I've had a yoghurt today and my partner wants to take me out for breakfast but I know I'm not gonna be able to eat anything. I'm worried about losing the nutrients I need and ending up in hospital. Help how do I start eating again after intense stress and worry?!:unsure:

20-02-17, 12:27
I've never completely lost my appetite so I'm not entirely sure, but could you maybe have a smoothie, or some milk?

20-02-17, 15:03
Hi there,

I'm so sorry you're going through this and am wishing you all the best for working things out with your partner and resolving your stress.

It is important that you try to keep something going through your body, however anxious and panicky you may feel. This will give your anxiety a chance to calm down too, and you'll be able to get back to normal more quickly.

I think being this anxious and stressed might warrant some additional support in the form of a GP appointment or perhaps speaking to a counsellor, but in the interim, you could try getting yourself some Ensure supplements. These are meant to help people who are ill build up the calories and they can be purchased at a pharmacist's.

Other than that, it really is just a question of re-educating your body to eat every few hours, with little and often. Soups are good, and other bland foods or perhaps something you used to like when you were little - comfort food in other words! It's no fun to feel like you do but you just have to keep on spooning it in there and bit by bit you will feel better.

Good luck!

20-02-17, 15:27
Hi So have you always had Anxiety or has this just come on over the relationship issues? this added stress regarding this certainly wont help! You need to go back to your Dr A.S.A.P and also look at getting relationship counselling as often this will help save a relationship so worth looking in to instead of thinking it may blow over don't rely on that approach. Cheers

20-02-17, 16:52
Crisps and squash always works for me.

20-02-17, 17:09
something salty like ready salted crisps - should also help with the nausea
when i went through a difficult break up i couldn't eat either... i survived on apples, tuna, and crisps. it's all i could stomach.
just take small bites , don;t worry too much about nutritional value at first as long as you manage to get something down you.

20-02-17, 18:02
You need nourishment! You're only going to exasperate your anxiety by not eating. Go get yourself some Ensure or Boost to drink. At least you'll get some healthy calories in you. I practically lived of that stuff when I was going through my cancer. Doesn't taste half bad either ;)

Positive thoughts

20-02-17, 18:23
Hi, I went through the same thing as you're going through. Trust me, after a few days, you will be able to eat again. But start small, with just a cracker each meal or so.

20-02-17, 23:33
Hi, I went through the same thing as you're going through. Trust me, after a few days, you will be able to eat again. But start small, with just a cracker each meal or so.

I agree. The body will force you to eat at some point, it's survival processes will kick in.

Treat it like sickness and reintroduce food slowly. Little & often is better than bid meals.

21-02-17, 01:28
Hi guys,
Thank you for all the replies, me and my partner are doing really well and have been out all day. He's returned to our home as have I I've managed to eat a few nachos, half of my dinner, a yoghurt and popcorn today so I'm getting there! It's just scary stuff what anxiety can do to you when there's already gad underlying in a situation like this

Clydesdale Epona
21-02-17, 10:40
Glad to hear you've managed to eat :)
If anymore nausea kicks in again then try something plain like toast or crackers, and drink some sparkling water as that settles your stomach x

All the best :hugs: