View Full Version : Could I have meningitis

20-02-17, 12:33
Got a flu like virus two wks ago today. I'm still not 100% my ears and neck & jaw etc ache along with my bones in arms and legs. I'm now petrified I have meningitis

20-02-17, 12:43
I had the same thing recently. It pretty much wrote off my whole January. You don't have meningitis. Take painkillers and drink plenty of water.

20-02-17, 12:48
I had bacterial meningitis when I was 19. I woke up with the worst headache I've ever had, covered in a rash, vomited green sludge into the kitchen sink, and was unconscious in an ambulance an hour later.

It's not something you sit there wondering about for a few weeks. Some ordinary cold viruses can be nasty and take a while to shake off.

20-02-17, 12:48
Flu or cold would be more likely, lots of people I know are having extra long colds.

20-02-17, 12:50
Meningitis strikes quickly with a rash & severe headache. Someone in my family had it.
What you have is a touch of flu. So you are ok:)

20-02-17, 13:15
Got a flu like virus two wks ago today. I'm still not 100% my ears and neck & jaw etc ache along with my bones in arms and legs. I'm now petrified I have meningitis

Not meningitis. Like others have said, it comes on fast. I also have a friend who had it. At most you have the flu and your fears are completely misplaced.

Plus, in the US anyway, my kids are vaccinated for meningitis--bacterial kind anyway. With a few boosters.

20-02-17, 16:29
Thanks guys just feeling awful and I've never been ill like this before. Also have hypothyroidism and think something is off with that.

20-02-17, 16:36
One of my cousins on my Dad side of the family had it when she was about 18 months, one of my mum friends, one of her daughters had it (she was very lucky that her parents took her into hospital as she was that close to dying) One of my ex-work colleagues had when he was younger.

You will know if you had this as you will have some or all of them above symptoms what other people have posted in this thread.

Catherine S
20-02-17, 16:45
I also have an underactive thyroil and it does result in a lack of energy and feelings of weakness. If you're getting over a flu virus which is bad enough in itself, an underactive thyroid could possibly make it feel worse.