View Full Version : Please read, very worried

20-02-17, 19:38
Hi everyone,
I'm very worried because since Christmas time I've caught 3 colds. Literally every month I get sick. I feel like I'm the only one this happens to, and that there must be something terribly wrong with my immune system for this to keep happening. Had this happened to anyone else? Or am I really alone in this?
Also, I'm sooo worried that every cold is knocking my immunity down more and more, and eventually it won't be able to fight more serious illnesses and germs, and will lead to some bacterial infection (I'm very phobic about meningitis).
Everyone I know says how I'm always sick and it always makes me so anxious realizing there's something wrong with me. I know I'm rambling but please if anyone else has experienced this, please comment I'm so scared thinking my immune system is malfunctioning

20-02-17, 19:45
Actually with each cold you fight off you are increasing your immunity.

20-02-17, 19:47
It's a particularly nasty cold/flu season. Our immune systems can falter for many reason. When I was in college I couldn't go one week without constantly catching sometime or another. Some of my friends were the same way - just one virus after another. I attributed it to stress lowering my immune system - stress and anxiety are honestly like the worst things for your body in so many ways.

It absolutely happens. Now in med school I *typically* do more things to keep my immune system up - enough sleep, proper eating, ect.

It never hurts to see a doctor because he/she is the only one who can confirm or deny anything.

But yes - it is common.

20-02-17, 19:51
sounds like you just have a nasty cycle of bugs coming at you. if you have school age kids I can tell you they being home every rotten thing and I rarely get sick but when I do its something exotic and it hangs around forever.

Be well

20-02-17, 19:56
This winter I got a sniffle, and then a cold. A day after my nose stopped running, I developed yet another cold.

Tis the season for tissues.

21-02-17, 00:33
It's a particularly nasty cold/flu season. Our immune systems can falter for many reason. When I was in college I couldn't go one week without constantly catching sometime or another. Some of my friends were the same way - just one virus after another. I attributed it to stress lowering my immune system - stress and anxiety are honestly like the worst things for your body in so many ways.

It absolutely happens. Now in med school I *typically* do more things to keep my immune system up - enough sleep, proper eating, ect.

It never hurts to see a doctor because he/she is the only one who can confirm or deny anything.

But yes - it is common.

Thank you for your reply. The horrible part is my health anxiety has me so worried about being sick all the time that it's probably lowering my immune system and causing me to get sick :doh:

21-02-17, 00:43
This truly has been an especially virulent cold and flu season.
You are not, by far, the first poster who has mentioned that they've been sick "all winter long".
And I have several acquaintances in real life who have been dealing with the same thing.
Winter is nearly over however, spring will come, and all will be well.
Have courage. If your immune system were malfunctioning, you wouldn't just be catching colds. There'd be a whole world of other stuff going on as well.
This is only a bad cold season.

Best wishes.

21-02-17, 04:35
Getting consecutive colds/flus is extremely common, and happens to me pretty much every winter. Viruses can mutate and develop resistance over the course of a single season.

You're fine. Make sure to get your flu shots and live a generally healthy lifestyle and your immune system will take care of the rest.

21-02-17, 06:21
Someone else just wrote this very same thing a couple days ago. I am also in Canada and I am telling you Since the beginning of December I have been sick on and off too. I also have a 5 year old that brings home every single bug. I had the flu in December and it was the worst flu that I have ever had. Then 2 colds one that turned into a sinus infection. That was finally getting better when I got another cold and another sinus infection. Which is just ending now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I keep hearing how bad this particular season is. Plus my kid's teachers have really sick this season.

21-02-17, 10:22
I've had two nasty colds so far this Winter. The second one really knocked me for six, I didn't leave my house for 10 days. Not only that, I had the flu vaccination in October so I thought that would help, but it didn't.
I hope you're feeling better now.

21-02-17, 12:51
There seem to be some very persistent bugs doing the rounds this winter which are very difficult to shake off and overcome.

I think this has been a common theme at work and in my social circle so I wouldn't worry if you can help it.

21-02-17, 21:40
Haha funny story, in fact I was chosen today to be the patient during a physical exam review and my professor goes. "Hm.. You're eyes are purple and your nasal turbinates are deep purple.. I bet your uvula is elongated too." All the students filed in to see and I started to get real nervous.. Oh gosh something is really wrong. Guess what?

I have a cold. I'm sick and I didn't even know it.

I do hope you feel better though! Its just a nasty thing to get over!

22-02-17, 23:54
Apparently, the flu vaccine this year is not a good match for the strains that are going around. It offers little to no protection. A coworker recently came down with flu and is now hospitalized... she got her vaccine at the same time I did. :(