View Full Version : Confusion/disorientation - examples?

20-02-17, 20:20

I have not been well recently, I've been diagnosed with folate anaemia and have been given 5mg folic acid to take daily. I have a few other health issues going on as well. Not sure if that is relevant.

I had an episode of confusion/disorientation today and it scared me. I had gone to the toilet at work and was thinking about other things. When I came out I felt disorientated and briefly couldn't remember where I was or which way to turn. It felt like I hadn't seen the corridor before. It scared me. This isn't the first one I've had recently but others have been more minor like just forgetting things like words/names etc.

I obviously would like some reassurance, preferably in terms of examples so I know I am not alone in this and so I don't need to panic. So how many of you have episodes like this and what have they been like?