View Full Version : Major health anxiety about brain tumour

20-02-17, 23:32
Hey guys thanks for reading, I've had this worry for a long time but still can't get over it, I noticed my pupils were different sizes I freaked out went to the eye doctors she said my eyes were really healthy and nothing to worry about, but every time I get a migraine I get them on my left side and behind my eye which freaks me out and ever since the last 5 years once and a while I notice a soft spot on the left side of my head where I got in hockey a while ago, but it makes me freak out because I think it's a tumour :( the worst part is I got depersonalization 2 and a bit years ago after a bad panic attack now it's scaring me even more, and I got a sinus cold not to long ago and I had a weird metal taste in my mouth and told my doctor she said nothing to worry about but I still worry. any help would be awesome thanks !!:)

20-02-17, 23:43
Two of my kids have significantly different sized pupils at times. The first time I noticed it on my 3rd child, I took her to the doctor. No brain tumor. In fact it was not even a consideration. I also have slightly different sized pupils.

I have known 8 people with brain tumors--different types, different locations different outcomes. Two were my dad and my sister. You are not describing a brain tumor. Put that fear aside.

20-02-17, 23:44
Thank you so much my doctor says that along with my family :(

20-02-17, 23:46
Listen to them :)

21-02-17, 00:21
I should !:)

Gary A
21-02-17, 00:24
Migraines happen on one side of the head in almost every instance, in fact, a one sided headache is one of the major giveaways that a person is actually suffering migraines.

21-02-17, 02:24
Yah I heard that before !