View Full Version : Diagnosis of health anxiety?

21-02-17, 22:51
Hi everyone,

I'm quite new here but have known I've had health anxiety for about 5 years. Whenever I suspect I have an ailment I am convinced there are major underlying issues.
Right now I have a few symptoms and have had a horrible few weeks. I'm not sure if it's the anxiety making me feel short of breath and panicky or if I do have a genuine heart issue! It sounds silly but with a grandparent who died from an early heart attack I am always paranoid it's in my genes (amongst other issues).

What I want to know is if anyone has actually talked to a doctor about health anxiety? I have been for checks regularly for various things but it always turns out to be a minor illness (luckily). I end up feeling silly and like I make a fuss over nothing. This is true but it doesn't feel this way to me. I feel like explaining how I feel to the doctor. I'd probably get emotional and upset but maybe it would help.
If I did go down this road, do you think they'd suggest some help, of fob me off again? What if really like is support but would hate to feel stupid or like a fool. Doctors must hate patients like me!

Thanks everyone. Xx

21-02-17, 23:03
It may be that he has already seen a pattern on HA if you have had a few consultations in the past and have appeared to be expecting the worst!

I am doctor phobic, takes me A LOT to go to the dr, because as soon as he says 'well lets just take some tests' I figure he knows Im gonna die... :blush::scared15::wacko: .... but thats me, I know im not normal.

But I have on many occasions considered going to the dr about my HA, ive just never yet reached the point where I feel I have to. The day it fully interferes with my life and stops me doing something i want to do... I will go.

My advice would be, go, see what he can offer you in the way of help. HA is an illness as much as any other, he wont be shocked to hear about it :-)

Best of luck xx

Clydesdale Epona
21-02-17, 23:04
It's always worth telling your doctor, i did myself and that's how i got referred for part time CBT, you've got nothing to lose besides i'm sure your GP is used to it, its far more common than you think x

Al the best :hugs:

22-02-17, 08:56
lol at your question "has anyone talked to a doctor about HA?"

The short answer is yes practically everyone here. :winks:

23-02-17, 20:43
Thanks for your replies. It seems I have struggled without help for far too long. :)

24-02-17, 04:04
Thanks for your replies. It seems I have struggled without help for far too long. :)

I know the system is a bit on the sluggish side over the pond but at least you can get the ball rolling by asking for help :)

Positive thoughts

25-02-17, 22:08
Thanks everyone. I have never even cobsidered asking for help before. I have struggled with GAD and health anxiety intermittently for years but always felt I should be strong enough to conquer it and too embarassed to talk about it with anyone. It's only a few weeks ago I admitted anxiety in any form to the doctor and I did it in such a light hearted way and it sounded so minor. No one in the real world knows how hard it has been for me at times. So thank you for you replies as they've made me realise it's acceptable to ask for help and to admit my problems. I'd still keep it hidden from friends I think. I feel so silly and weak for having such silly thoughts!

25-02-17, 22:17
You sound exactly like me I was totally the same and embarrassed and when at the docs used to fob it off with "I'm a bit of a worrier at times" when really I'm terrified majority of the time. Then when I finally decided to admit to my GP (just 4 weeks ago) she was great and chatted things through with me and explained that it is Ann actual thing many people suffer from and not just me. I just always felt is something other people have and not people like me but that's not the case at all! X