View Full Version : Anyone elses anxiety get way worse at night when you are tired?

21-02-17, 22:53
Or is it that we have more time to brood in the evenings?

Really feel that my mental defences drop further when im tired tho... anyone else?

Skkyee x

Clydesdale Epona
21-02-17, 22:58
my anxiety gets worse at night too x.
i've often thought it's because as we get more tired we lose have the mental resilience and capacity to ignore/fight the bad thoughts x

All the best :hugs:

21-02-17, 23:22
My anxiety is so much worse at night too! Tiredness makes it worse for some reason,

21-02-17, 23:29
Hi all

Good to hear it's not just me that has worse anxiety in the evenings as nearly everyone else seems to think it's worse in the morning and improves as the day goes on? As for being tired Skkyee, if I don't get a decent nights sleep I've really noticed how bad I am the next day? I'm now trying to force myself back into a decent sleep routine.

22-02-17, 01:44
If I've had less than 6 hours sleep I have panic attacks all day so I would say yes definitely! It's a horrible feeling but when you're tired your whole body just goes into shutdown including your mental state I guess.

Chris 614
22-02-17, 02:53
It's not night that is worse for me. It's any time of the day or night that I get a bout of tiredness. As others have said, I'm not as resilient...stuff seems to stick in my mind easier when I'm tired. I don't like it.

24-02-17, 01:43
Yes, definitely. Usually about the time I'm trying to wind down for the day. Ugh.

24-02-17, 01:46
Mine happens more at night because I don't have much other things to distract me.

24-02-17, 02:05
It gets worse at different times of day.
My ex and I share custody of our 4-year-old (I get him one night, he gets him the next; we live minutes from one another).
When my baby is not with me, I get very bad anxiety during the night.
There was a huge thunderstorm and tornado warning in my area recently, while my son was at his dad's.
It was all I could do to keep from driving over that second to get him (although driving would've been the most dangerous thing I could've done, in the event of a tornado).
His dad, fed up with my anxiety after being married to me for years, usually doesn't even answer my calls or texts when our son is with him. Which is fine. That is their time together, and I have no right to disrupt it because of my silly panic attacks.
I am working on finding reassurance within myself, by reminding myself that whatever I think of my ex, he loves our son as much as I do, and would protect him with his life, just as I would. He is as safe with his father as he is with me, no matter what my anxiety tells me.

But, yes... on those nights, my anxiety is terrible.
When my son is with me (as he is tonight) I have little to no anxiety, although I had some mini-panic attacks at work today, just from the stress.

24-02-17, 02:20
Mine is worse at night. I woke up at 3 am this morning with heart racing, shallow breathing, and churning stomach. For some reason the night when you are tired and not fully thinking clearly messes with you. I guess it's where they got the saying it's always darkest before dawn.