View Full Version : Anxiety back cos of friends reaction

22-02-17, 01:09
My anxiety has gone up, largely because of something I thought was funny and thought my friend thought it was funny but turns out it wasn't.
She said goodnight to me on social media and gave me a thumbs up and i sent one back to her, she then sent me another and so on but she sent me a helluva lot more andshe then kept spamming my inbox with emotes and then told me to stop when I wasn't doing anything. She then told me that she was f****g closing her account and told me to stop, that she was trying to say goodnight. I said sorry to her, but she said shes not coming on there anymore. she said she had been trying to say goodnight to me for a number of hours. Which I know isn't true. She had gone off for an hour and came back to spam my inbox again which resulted in her being angry with me, which in turn my anxiety started affecting me again. I feel really bad, but don't understand when she was so much more spamming then me..a lot more including gifs, pics etc...I really don't need all of this right now, I have the flu and not feeling so good anyways. Thought she was being funny but turns out it wasn't which has surprised me but now I feel horrible and don't want to feel this way.

22-02-17, 03:32
Feeling bad because you worry you may have upset someone is normal and better than being someone who doesn't care about the feelings of others.

Something may be going on here that you're not aware of right now and perhaps you have ended up in the end of her frustration? She should be apologising for her behaviour next as she is in the wrong and you have every right to feel upset at what she has done.

Perhaps recognise it this way for now and see what happens?