View Full Version : Going back on prozac for the 2nd time?

22-02-17, 01:36
Hey guys,
I was on prozac for a year and a half previously for GAD, panic disorder, depression and severe health anxiety. I came off of them because I felt ready to, I was taking them every other day and panic attacks no longer existed (I was only on 20mg believe it or not). This medication definitely changed my life, made me stable and I had no meltdowns (I have suspected BPD). So I've been off them for a year and a half but in December my panic attacks came back in full force and I was getting them every other day. My health anxiety I'm obsessed with my heart again (waiting for a heart monitor that I know will be clear) and I'm considering going back on the prozac for me and my partners sake in particular. I've been driving him nuts! I'm not sure it's the right thing to do because when I was going on them previously I was extremely sick for 6 weeks with constant headaches, weird nightmares and feeling very out of it. This was ok at that point I was on summer holidays at college, I'm now at university at a very crucial time in my 2nd year and I don't want it to alter my performance. After the 6 weeks these subsided and the medication definitely saved my life. I'm reaching out to people that have gone back on prozac for the 2nd time preferably around my dose which will be 20mg and I want to know if side effects were just as bad as the first time around. The doctor obviously straight up suggested I go back onto the prozac. :unsure:

22-02-17, 03:56
I have been on Prozac (60) for about 2 years now, this was after 10 years of success with Lexapro before it faded out. You are very fortunate that you found a medication that did so much for you. Guess my point is, even if it was another rough 6 week transition, isn't the relief from the panic and anxiety worth it? Everyone is different, but for me, if it is working well, no need to stop it unless the Dr wants you to. Best wishes.

22-02-17, 13:33
My advice if you are going through important times e.g. University is to get back on the meds and try level out a bit.

I was on prozac for nearly 3 years after severe health anxiety (see my past posts!)
After a year i think I made a full recovery and stopped posting here - anxiety seemed a thing of the past.

6 months ago I started to stop taking them as per my doctors advice. I eventually stopped completely by Aug/Sept 16.

However, in the last two months I have suffered two huge anxiety attacks over issues in my life - to the point of not being able to eat.

So like you i am also thinking i need the meds again - they literally seemed to turn off a switch in my brain.