View Full Version : Dull ache upper left abdomen - pancreatic cancer???

22-02-17, 05:09
Trying not to stress out, but it's hard to see any other conclusion to this pain. It's a full schedule, or even a bloated or sometimes pinching pain in my upper left abdomen. I don't have any other symptoms of pancreatic cancer (I don't think), but I know this isn't gas pain (I have IBS and this isn't IBS or gas pain). It comes and goes. Sometimes I'll just feel it out of the blue, sometimes if I'm still, or carrying my infant and bending over. I thought about a pulled muscle bit it doesn't feel like that. When it's a bloated feeling I can feel it in my back too. Idk. I'm really trying not to freak out. I'm 29 with no history of cancer in my family...the odds are obviously in my favor, but it's still there, nagging me.

22-02-17, 05:27
You have alot going on in that area of your body. Stomach and splenic flexure. It's where your transverse and descending colon meet. If you are hyper aware that area can seem painful due to the 90 degree turn. Fecal matter and gas can cause discomfort. I had this fear about 2 years ago. Saw a GI and he said my problem was muscular/skeletal. Calm down you are way too young for pancreatic cancer. If the pain worsens or anything else starts happening just talk to your GP.

22-02-17, 09:29
That's an enormous leap to something that would rare to the point of near-impossibility at your age, based on vague symptoms.

That area of your body can have a ton of harmless things wrong with it, and very minor, harmless things can hurt like heck. Also never underestimate IBS's ability to surprise you with new and unpleasant symptoms even when you've had it a while and think you have it sussed...

22-02-17, 19:53
It just scares me that today it's a constant dull ache. And there's no gas or anything associated with it. What else could it be?

23-02-17, 05:25
It could be Gastritis. That's what I think mine was (I had it for about 2 months) it's finally better (knock on wood) and I thought pancreatic cancer too :lac: I'm 35. I stayed away from alcohol, spicey foods and ate a very alkaline diet. I also juiced cabbage everyday and I'm feeling so much better!

23-02-17, 15:57
Is it more concerning that when I lay in my left side it hurts?

Gary A
23-02-17, 16:09
Is it more concerning that when I lay in my left side it hurts?

That would suggest a muscular or skeletal problem.

You really shouldn't worry about pancreatic cancer, your odds of having that illness are literally millions to one.

23-02-17, 21:01
A dull ache isn't a muscular problem. It's probably something called splenic flexure syndrome, gas stuck in the upper left corner of the colon. It feels worse when you lay on your left side because your organs put more pressure on that area and cause more irritation. SFS is very common with IBS which is very common with anxiety.

And yeah, it doesn't feel like the normal gas pain because the pain isn't caused by the gas, it's caused by the distended colon and sometimes irritation of the diaphragm. When I have it I sometimes feel pain in my back too, almost like it wraps all the way around from my lower ribs to my back.

27-02-17, 03:25
So for the past few days the pain has been off and on. Today was a great day...Until...Tmi warning....My husband took me to bed this afternoon and when I laid down on my back, he kinda squished my abdomen and I felt it start hurting again, and since then the area has been sore. I don't think I necessarily felt a "pop", but felt it the moment my abdomen was "squished". Like something in there moved or something. Idk. It's making me nervous.

27-02-17, 03:39
If it's really bothering you please see your doctor, or go to the walk in clinic. No one here can diagnose your pain, although we truly mean our best in helping you come down from any anxiety or help you see rationality when you try to make 2+2 = 5, the only one who can tell you what is or isn't going on is your doctor.

27-02-17, 03:43
Thanks. I know. I just can't help but think about pancreatic cancer ��

27-02-17, 03:56
Your pancreas is on your right side, not left.

Am I missing something here?

27-02-17, 03:59
Like another poster said that is quite a leap and anatomically doesn't really make sense considering your description, you're looking more at the spleen - if anything. But a physical exam by a clinician is necessary to say.

Best of luck lady. Cancer fears are scary and I can 100% relate - there is absolutely no judgement. But make an appointment to maybe help ease your fears or find out what, if anything, is wrong. (:

---------- Post added at 22:59 ---------- Previous post was at 22:58 ----------

Pancreas is usually pretty center, leaning maybe left with its tail as it touches the spleen.

02-09-17, 01:41
Did you ever get results about your pain, or did it go away on its own?

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02-09-17, 03:07
First of by the time you feel pain with pancreatic cancer you have a nice shade of yellow going on, also pancreatic cancer does not strike someone your age, if you were having pain from pancreatic cancer you would be doubled over

Anxious Kitty
03-09-17, 01:29
I'm 26, and I've had this problem for years. I first started noticing it about 4-5 years ago. I also freaked out at first thinking it was something related to my pancreas.

I wish I could say I had a definitive explanation but I don't (and only your doctor can examine your particular case). Doctors have told me it can be caused from trapped gas / constipation, but I haven't exactly had tests.
It comes and goes randomly. I'll sometimes feel it for an entire day and then not again for another month.

But 4-5 years later, I'm still here so I've at least convinced myself its not cancer. It's hard to accept that it's just gas or constipation at times though (especially when I get the pain when I'm not feeling particularly gassy or anything).

I don't know, it's honestly so upsetting when it happens. :( I had an episode last week where it hurt all day long but it was gone the next morning.

Also, in my case, while the aching does feel internal, I can press on my ribs in the area that it hurts and it feels pretty tender and sore there as well. So I've wondered if it's a muscule-skeletal thing too.

I've never heard of SFS before though. Now I'm wondering if that's what I have or if that's what the doctor meant by "trapped gas". It'd be a relief to know that's all it is. I should bring it up at my next appointment.

Anyway, I hope you feel better soon OP. You're not alone! I hope knowing that at least helps.

Mark D
10-04-18, 03:31
I was wondering if you ever found out what was causing this, I have very similar symptoms.