View Full Version : Happened again

22-02-17, 10:27
Posting again to ask about this. It happened to me in December right before Christmas and happened again yesterday. I had a very stressful day yesterday and was driving home when I had a brain surge. I hesitate to call it a brain zap because it felt like a sudden pressure in my head that lasted about 2 seconds. I didn't feel like passing out, it was just a jolt I guess you would call it. Afterwards I was very nervous and panicky and took a Xanax. I then felt kind of off the rest of the evening and today woke up thinking about it immediately. I know I will be worrying about it the rest of the day. It just came out of the blue! I hadn't been really nervous but like I said, I did have a very stressful day. Has anyone had this happen? I feel like it is related to anxiety or panic because I get really nervous after (that could be from the adrenaline though). . It only happens occasionally but it scares me so bad.

Does anyone else experience this? I know many people write about their brain zaps but this felt like a surge or a jolt, not an electrical zap.

Could adrenaline cause this?
I would be grateful to hear about any other similar experiences.

Thank you.

22-02-17, 16:36
When I had brain zaps due to coming off Citalopram the best way to describe them was a guitar string going TWANG in my head for a second.

I've certainly had plenty of hypnic jerks over the years and they tend to be more when I'm at the whose stages of my anxiety. They naturally go, or greatly reduce in strength, as the anxiety decreases overall.