View Full Version : Just when I thought it was fine! Thyroid nodule 😩

Stacey Lou
22-02-17, 12:23
Hi all, it's been a while since I posted, iv been doing much better with my anxiety and even got on some meds! If you've read my previous threads, you will know about the recent health scare iv just had with my lymph nodes, well it turns out after the doctors telling me all was well the ultrasound I had back in December picked up a cyst on my thyroid! So atleast I know it's not lymphoma ha! Anyway I now have an urgent referral to haematology which I got the phone all for this morning, so that's this Saturday, and I have to have a follow up ultrasound in 6 months. I'm trying not to panic because my mum had a benign one removed from her thyroid around 2 years ago, unfortunately my nan died of thyroid cancer, so understandably I'm pretty freaked about this. I'm not really too sure what to make of what's happening right now, but atleast I now know that all these months iv been saying I haven't been feeling right weren't just me sending myself crazy. Just had to get that off my chest. Thanks to anyone who reads and replys, I appreciate it as always.

22-02-17, 12:29
Well maybe you will think that i am crazy but try to remain optimistic and not to worry to much and have faith all the time .Until doctors said its nothing so bad then dont need to worry so much

Stacey Lou
22-02-17, 12:37
I'm trying not to worry too much, the meds are helping. I'm trying to keep positive that it's nothing to worry about, just more concerned then anything. And I don't think your crazy, I think you have the right way of thinking!

28-03-17, 18:44
I am in the same boat as you. I recently found a lump on my thyroid and I have a swollen gland. I had my ultrasound yesterday and I am waiting for the results. I cannot wait for this nightmare to be behind me. I have started feeling shoulder pains that logically, I know they are from stress but I keep envisioning cancer throughout my body. My husband banned me from using doctor google but I am so glad that I stumbled on this page. I hope you are still feeling well and worrying less :)