View Full Version : Leukemia fears, very anxious, please read

22-02-17, 16:23
So a few days ago I posted in the forum how I was all worked up over the fact I have been suffering reacurring colds all winter (right now I'm sick with my 3rd cold of the season) and I was very worked up thinking about how my immune system doesn't seem to be working well for me to get sick so often.
This morning I saw this terrible post from the dailymail on Facebook about this poor boy who has leukemia and how much he suffers and it set me off BIG TIME.
Especially because I have bruises all over my spine. I should mention I'm quite thin and so my spine sticks out a lot, and I've been getting bruises on my spine off and on since I was a teenager (I'm now nearly 22) but I haven't had bad bruises on there for a while. The bruises are on each of the ridges of my spine on the lower end. The top of my spine only has one. My mother says she (who is also skinny) gets These bruises from leaning back on chairs. And although that makes sense, the bruises combined with how I keep getting sick is terrifying me. Since bruises and reaccuring infection are two signs of this horrific illness.
If anyone can help me rationalize this before I really spiral, I would be so grateful

22-02-17, 16:28
The daily mail is a huge trigger for most people.

Leukemia patients get really sick, usually really fast. They also usually present with extreme pallor.

If you've had the bruising since you were a teenager then now yourre hunting for a dangerous diagnosis to try and put square pegs into a round hole.

No one can tell you anything definitive but your doctor, but you are diagnosis hunting based on an annoying daily mail article.