View Full Version : Worried

22-02-17, 16:39
I've had a constant ache/pain in the middle of my back for months and ribs hurt to touch and underneath on both I've been referred to gastro doc who wants me to do ph test and thinks that my back and ribs hurt because of ibs I just find this very hard to believe I do also have some peteachie that I've had for ages but all blood tests have come back fine apart from my Ggt elevated liver enzyme it's ment to be 34 and mines 35 so not much over this as just made me even more worried I might drink once a month not everyday which panics me as alcohol is the thing that raises Ggt I did go out with my friend who I haven't seen for ages a week before but sure it would cause it to be raised a week after I have had a endoscopy which shoes esophagitis and an ultrasound which showed 3small polyps on gallbladder and this aching is there all the time I also get bad heartburn god I sound so silly I never used to be like this I'm just so worried I've been to the doctors lots of times and they say poor posture