View Full Version : Struggling to trust instincts

22-02-17, 18:28
I'm just wondering whether other people feel like since their anxiety got bad, they can't trust their instincts about things? It's like I used to rely on gut feelings to get me through tough decisions, but since I've been ill with anxiety I don't know what I really think about anything. I mean, I know some doubt about stuff is inevitable, but I don't even know my own mind any more! I used to be quite a decisive person….it's a shame really.

23-02-17, 04:33
Anxiety destroys confidence so every instinct you have is now shrouded in doubt. I think the only way to overcome it is to put your faith in what you feel is right and when it turns out your instinct was right, your confidence in your instincts will be restored and your mind will think clearer again.

It's a bit like walking across a bridge hundreds of times before until one day you approach it filled with doubt about crossing it. You've done it before and you know how it's done but your doubt and loss of confidence is now preventing you so you just have to take that first step to overcome your fear to restore your faith in your instinct that deep down you haven't forgotten how to cross it.

Do what you feel deep down is right by your conscience despite doubts that your anxiety creates and your confidence will build as your anxiety subsides.

23-02-17, 05:03
Doubt is something I've had much of and so to is ambivalence.

I've read before how inability to make decisions comes with these disorders. Also our cognitive functions tend to suffer which makes thinking harder anyway. Add in something like brain fog and just doing basic maths can seem daunting.

Prior to my anxiety I worked in a role that required a lot decision making so it was never a problem before. I would be making financial decisions or ones that could impact on the company external with regulatory bodies. But it was all easy and just flowed.

Then comes the anxiety and I'm there spending an hour wondering whether to buy brand A or B of something that really just doesn't matter anyway. :wall:

24-02-17, 13:24
I know, it's so weird, isn't it. For me it's almost a hallmark of the disorder, although it has improved with medication. I know I'm anxious when I'm struggling with deciding what socks to wear, and as for bigger decisions - well, they just make me more anxious. I totally relate to the cognitive fog.

I used to work in a financial type role too - those decisions were clearer though, I think, because there was a protocol or flowchart to follow....