View Full Version : Scared of losing my significant other

22-02-17, 19:23
In the last couple of months my life changed for the better. I have a significant other, a person i can`t live without. And that is a problem , I think I became too attached to her. I try to imagine how it would be to live without her and my anxiety just gets bigger and bigger.

I know that I should enjoy what I have and seize the day. In the end, no one knows what is going to happen tomorrow.
But still, I have TERRIBLE fear of losing her. I don`t know where are these thoughts coming from, but they are overwhelming.

I think that I am not used to being happy and satisfied with my life because of some past events and now being in love and happy feels strange to me. Almost like-being in a good mood is not my thing.

Any advice on how to fight those thoughts and enjoy my time with her?

22-02-17, 20:16
Is there a possibility your fears are rooted in reality, or is there no actual reason for you to fear losing your partner?
It sound like you're suffering from separation anxiety. I do, too, and it's terrifying and crippling at times. Whenever I need to be away from my boyfriend for work-related purposes, I get scared I'll never see him again. I also get insecure and obsess over bad things happening to our relationship despite the fact that he is very caring, loving, and understanding.
I think it's because you care so much that you can't stand the thought of losing her. This needn't be a bad thing, though it can be agonising. I'd suggest talking to your partner openly and without reservation so that she (and you!) can better understand the way you feel and therefore perhaps come up with ways on how to make things easier for you.

22-02-17, 20:23
Is there a possibility your fears are rooted in reality, or is there no actual reason for you to fear losing your partner?
It sound like you're suffering from separation anxiety. I do, too, and it's terrifying and crippling at times. Whenever I need to be away from my boyfriend for work-related purposes, I get scared I'll never see him again. I also get insecure and obsess over bad things happening to our relationship despite the fact that he is very caring, loving, and understanding.
I think it's because you care so much that you can't stand the thought of losing her. This needn't be a bad thing, though it can be agonising. I'd suggest talking to your partner openly and without reservation so that she (and you!) can better understand the way you feel and therefore perhaps come up with ways on how to make things easier for you.

At the moment there is no reason for me to think negative.
My fears include being sick and being unable to see her and be with her, sometimes I am afraid that she will go to live and work in another country but there are no indications for that to be true!
I know it sounds crazy but I am afraid of everything that could separate us.
A couple of hours ago I was crying because of this. Crying for no reason.
Some days I think that I am not showing her enough love and that I should do more for her... but the reasonable side of me knows that I do everything I can.
I got so attached to her... My biggest fear is, as you mentioned, never seeing her again. :weep:

22-02-17, 23:57
You are not alone. This last summer towards the end I had a bad flare up of anxiety and depression due to some stressful times in my life. The straw that broke the camels back was reading a post on Reddit related to losing a spouse. This resulted in me bawling my eyes out like a baby and triggered an anxiety/depression episode about time going by too fast and other existential BS that lasted for a while until I was able to get in to a doctor and get my meds reworked. I still have intrusive thoughts about it and find myself getting depressed but I try to snap myself out of it. I definitely feel your pain and want you to know you aren't alone.

23-02-17, 08:06
I'm sorry to hear you feel this way, but I really do know how you feel. If you're able to see that there's no reason to think that you'll actually lose her, then talking about how you feel might be the thing to do as these fears are clearly a product of your own anxious mind. I wish I could help by giving you advice, but I'm afraid I've got none as I, too, suffer from thoughts very similar to yours. I do, however, know that talking to my partner helps things immensely.