View Full Version : Random attack?

23-02-17, 10:08
I just experienced probably the worst symptoms ever.

I was laying down when I kept feeling a buzz in my chest like my heart was racing then my heart goes off I start panicking and I start shaking shivering uncontrollably still am. My shoulders felt heavy. My breathing is weird and every time I see my pulse on my wrist it's erratic. Is this a panic attack?? The shaking makes it hard for me to breath right. I took half an Ativan. But the skating continues. I was cold before all this happened but not to the point of massive shivering it's hard for me to type this right now

23-02-17, 10:38
Panic attack. Classic.

23-02-17, 14:22
What Server said....

23-02-17, 14:25
Yeah this is a classic panic attack. I had a similar attack yesterday except the buzz was in my head, like an overwhelming buzz sensation.

23-02-17, 16:00
Breathing it felt like it where small hiccups I could not breath right. The shivering lasted awhile. I fell asleep after I wrote the post. 3 am and I just woke up and it's 7 and I feel like death. When I would check my pulse my heart would go Wild I would just check to make sure it was a steady rhythm but I felt like it wasn't which would just cause wave after wave of shivering my teeth where clattering pretty bad. And when I was trying to type this first post my arms would twitch at the biceps and cause me to lurch towards my face. I feel like I was tackled right now I just feel so drained. Is that right?

I used to get panic attacks: heart raced, couldnt breath, slight shivering that was all.
Last night with the wild heart beat, breathing was choppy, dizziness, heaviness on my shoulders, shaking/shivering uncontrollably, when the shivers were calming down my body was dealing with these jolts. And my mind kept on telling you haven't dealt with a panic attack at this level this must be serious a real big problem which then I would be thrown into a massive panic. I told my husband that to please rush me to the hospital that something was terribly wrong, he didn't want to. Cause he said it looks like it's just a panic attack.

Oh and the other thing that happened was when I would talk with all the shivering going on I couldn't that shivering went deep down. My words would come out "choppy" I got a stutter. Brain was not their. I was barely able to read the label for the Ativan it's a low dose pill that I had cut up into halfs so they could last me a bit longer.

The heaviness and achiness on the shoulders and upper back has me a bit concerned

Gary A
23-02-17, 16:07
Breathing it felt like it where small hiccups I could not breath right. The shivering lasted awhile. I fell asleep after I wrote the post. 3 am and I just woke up and it's 7 and I feel like death. When I would check my pulse my heart would go Wild I would just check to make sure it was a steady rhythm but I felt like it wasn't which would just cause wave after wave of shivering my teeth where clattering pretty bad. And when I was trying to type this first post my arms would twitch at the biceps and cause me to lurch towards my face. I feel like I was tackled right now I just feel so drained. Is that right?

I used to get panic attacks: heart raced, couldnt breath, slight shivering that was all.
Last night with the wild heart beat, breathing was choppy, dizziness, heaviness on my shoulders, shaking/shivering uncontrollably, when the shivers were calming down my body was dealing with these jolts. And my mind kept on telling you haven't dealt with a panic attack at this level this must be serious a real big problem which then I would be thrown into a massive panic. I told my husband that to please rush me to the hospital that something was terribly wrong, he didn't want to. Cause he said it looks like it's just a panic attack.

Oh and the other thing that happened was when I would talk with all the shivering going on I couldn't that shivering went deep down. My words would come out "choppy" I got a stutter. Brain was not their. I was barely able to read the label for the Ativan it's a low dose pill that I had cut up into halfs so they could last me a bit longer.

The heaviness and achiness on the shoulders and upper back has me a bit concerned

Ok....but you did have a panic attack. Nothing more.

23-02-17, 16:28
Yep. Still a panic attack. Still harmless.

24-02-17, 01:21
Yep. Still a panic attack. Still harmless.

I hope so today I have felt my heart pulsing throbbing throughout my body and I feel exhausted drained. Heart rate goes up with any lil exercise is that normal?