View Full Version : Sitting in the ER right now

23-02-17, 10:54
So I'm extremely concerned about my heart. My blood pressure has been in th 170s and 180s for a week now. Right now it was 184/94. Last time I was here the admitted me and did a stress ECHO. Funny how that my Blood pressure only went up to 178/68 on the treadmill and my HR was 162. These test came back normal. Now I can't sleep at night because my heart beats so hard that it rocks me. I only weigh 145lbs. I'm very concerned and on the verge of a breakdown. Don't know what to do I usally exercise every day doing briso walking @ speed's of up to 4.8mph on good days for 20-30 minutes. I always do a minimum of 2 miles of brisk walking. What gives? I really think I'm on the verge of dying.

23-02-17, 12:29
Why the ER again? You had an stress echo last month that was clear. Why not call your GP if you're that concerned? That's pretty expensive reassurance and the ER is for emergencies. The fact you can sit in the ER and post to the forum indicates you're not in any real distress (except mentally).

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
23-02-17, 12:43
Are you taking any meds for your bp? If it's raised your heart will beat stronger because its working harder. Usually taking a beta blocker like propranolol can help, and they also ease palpitations because they calm the system down by stopping too much adrenalin from racing around.

Best wishes

23-02-17, 15:34
Yes I take meds. I'm on 5mg of Bystolic. I don't know if it's adrenaline my pulse was 73. Last BP they took was 155/85 HR 54. While I was there my HR went down to 47 which is my normal resting rate. They told me all the test were good and wrote me another blood pressure pill. I swear I have a run of this crap for like 3 days and then my blood pressure is normal for a week. By normal I mean sys105-127/dia59-82. When I was admitted last month the lowest they recorded in my 2 day stay was 107/62 and highest was 137/81. Fishmanpa I feel like crap when it gets above 150. Frickin headaches and pulsing eyes. It's hard for me to sleep as my heart rocks me. Jesus I'm so sick of this crap. I never knew I had anxiety this bad until I came off those opiate pain killers 2 years ago. Since then it's been hell. My family physician closed his office 3 weeks ago so I'm in the process of finding a new Dr. Boy what I would do for a solid 9 hours of sleep. I have been given Ativan before at the ER to no avail. Didn't even calm me just made me more on edge. But yes I admit I'm in mental hell and my body is taking a beating. I do my best to stay on a good diet. Low salt intake less than 1600mg and I eat high potassium foods, I eat high protein rich meat and never eat added sugar foods. Except for some good day ls when in have walked 3 miles I'll eat a donut.

23-02-17, 20:45
Hey bro! I feel for ya, I'm going through the same thing. I've had health anxiety for the past 12 years. I'm 26 now. I've been having relentless chest pain, some times generalised, sometimes pin pointed for the past couple of weeks. It's climaxed over the last few days and I've been to A&E (our version of ER) 4 times in the last 2 weeks. I've had four ECGs and have been examined by countless doctors, nurses and paramedics. All ECGs have been normal as have my Troponin levels, chest X-ray and auscultation. Today I visited my GP and he's offered me a CBT referral and some propranolol and citalopram for the time being. Just knowing I have that referral and having taken one dose of propanolol I feel 10x better - 12 hours ago I was lying in A&E believing I was dying from some sort of cardiac event. My BP was 163/89, it's usually around 100/60. It's astounding what anxiety can do to our body. My doctor says he thinks I have a legitimate 'chest pain' - most probably musculoskeletal, which has been misinterpreted and amplified by my super hypersensitive mind. Anyone else probably wouldn't think twice about it. But hey, that's who we are. Keep your head up, you are gonna be okay.

24-02-17, 00:24
Appreciate bro. Yep this crap sucks. I go from being highly stressed out with BP to so relaxed that I feel like I'm gonna fall out. Took my Blood pressure today first reading was high and I could fell it shooting up as the cuff inflated. I waited 5 minutes took it again and it was 121/76 hr 58. Worst thing about it the past few days my stomach has been doing its thing where it's like. no blood gets to it and it shuts off. pretty much have to force myself to eat. I know how to cope with it but sometimes it's like I hit a rough week and I'm freaking out over everything

24-02-17, 14:52
Tell me about it. I've gone 24 hours without eating twice in the last 10 days, and forcing myself to eat at other times. Then our blood sugar drops, you feel faint and get the shakes - which only perpetuates our anxiety. I've felt having a sugary snack when I'm having a meltdown eases me a little. Just got to repeat what the docs said to me 'there is nothing wrong with your heart'. Second dose of propanolol this morning. Felt dizzy and a bit queasy at first (inevitably leads to a mini freak out as these are cardiac symptoms too). No more chest pain today and definitely more at ease.

Now I just have to convince myself that I'm responding to the medication because it's treated my anxiety, rather than because it's actually treated a genuine underlying health abnormality!