View Full Version : Pregnant and convinced I'll die

23-02-17, 13:54
Hi all. Been reading posts for a long time but first time posting. I have a long history of health anxiety, mainly exacerbated by pregnancy hormones. We lost a baby at 24 weeks in which I suffered debilitating health anxiety afterwards as some form of distraction from the grief perhaps. After Prozac and counselling, things got better so fast forward 17 months later and I'm 30 weeks pregnant. Day before I found out I was pregnant my uncle announced he's been diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy- usually genetic, not always so. I've been plagued with palpitations and ectopic beats in this pregnancy and have rushed to a and e on countless times and had 15 ECGs in this pregnancy alone. I'm convinced I have my uncles condition and that I'll drop dead soon I have lost the ability to work, function, look after my six year old. I spend hours upon hours on google, researching this horrible heart disease. The palps are now constant and I'm dizzy and breathless. Every single doctor I've seen says it's anxiety and panic. I just convince myself otherwise. They've finally ordered an echo which could take weeks and I'm dreading. Does this sound like anxiety? I just want to live. I spend my days in tears x

23-02-17, 14:25
Every single doctor I've seen says it's anxiety and panic

Im deferring to the guys that spent 12 years in college and countless years practicing.

Catherine S
23-02-17, 15:03
Hi Charlie, I've had ectopics and flutters since my 20s and i'm now 63 and still get them a couple of times a day but after all these years theyve lost their power over me. They were also much more intense through 2 pregnancies. They are extremely scary at their worst and just uncomfortable at their best, but please believe the doctors when they say they are nothing sinister.

There is heart disease in my family too, heart attacks having killed 2 members, and my brother has survived 2 attacks and has a stent fitted, but he has never suffered with ectopics or flutters. And just look how long I've lived with them.

Sorry to hear about the loss of your first baby, that must have been devastating, but you'll get through this pregnancy and so will your baby.

ISB ☺ x x

23-02-17, 15:18
Thank you for your responses. So convinced this time though. I think for once, my worries are right. I have every single symptom going.

23-02-17, 15:21
Yes sounds like anxiety, i used to suffer like you till I started on antidepressants. If there was something wrong the drs would have found it by now x

23-02-17, 21:44
Hi Charlie
Pregnancy hormones can cause havoc I started with my anxiety following the birth of my first child.
I'm sorry to hear of your previous loss.
The fact you have been seen by many doctors and had investigations is greatly reassuring you and your baby are well. As the problem is reoccurring an echo will reassure you there are no underlying problems. Lots of women have palpitations in pregnancy. Trust in your doctors if they feel.it is anxiety related. In the meantime try some health anxiety meditation xxx

24-02-17, 12:36
I just know this is more than anxiety

24-02-17, 13:21
I just know this is more than anxiety

What evidence do you have for this?

24-02-17, 14:45
All of my horrible symptoms

24-02-17, 14:48
All of my horrible symptoms

Wrong answer. Your symptoms are evidence of anxiety, as is the medical opinion you've received.

24-02-17, 15:05
I'm just sat in my cousin's shop and my heart rate is 116. I want to go back to hospital even though I was only there last night.

24-02-17, 15:13
I just know this is more than anxiety

You do not know better than medical professionals. Allow yourself to be reassured.

Catherine S
24-02-17, 15:39
Charlie you have a well advanced pregnancy and your heart will be working much harder because of the extra weight you're carrying, even sitting down. Your heart is doing what its supposed to really, and it also depends on how fit you are when not pregnant. On top of this you have this extreme fear and are constantly tuned into every heartbeat and flutter which will also increase the heart rate.

During my last pregnancy when I was 34 my heart was all over the place, racing, thumping, fluttering, missing beats the lot. But afterwards everything calmed down again. I still got the palps because I had them before the pregnancy but they weren't as crazy. Once you've had your baby, maybe ask about meds to help calm your nervous system down, unless it calms down naturally of course.

ISB ☺ x

24-02-17, 16:32
It's good they are going to give you an echo to rule anything out. Have you tried a holter monitor as well? You get to push a button whenever you feel a symptom, and then the doctor or whoever reads it will be able to see what occurred during that time--whether it's benign or something that needs treatment.

I'm so scared of this too with my pregnancy. Cardiomyopathy can be pregnancy induced but it's rare. I'm freaking out too but I know that my doctors will take good care of me, and I know your doctors will too. The echo will definitely see if anything is going on, and it might just be that both of our hearts hate pregnancy. Coming to your thread has helped me calm down a bit because I see that I'm not alone with these worries/symptoms.

25-02-17, 06:50
Charlie, I'm pregnant and also have a strong fam history of heart disease. I also get palps during pregnancy all the time. Your heart has to work harder so it's normal. Sorry you're panicky. Fortunately heart issues aren't a worry of mine for some reason. I'm on the anxiety cancer train instead.

25-02-17, 11:57
All my left side of head is dizzy. Everything points towards my heart

25-02-17, 12:44
Charlie I too lost a child at 2 days old (got to 35 weeks) as she had a recessive genetic condition that my hub and I carry. My HA really came out then and I was convinced I was going to die in my 3 full pregnancies esp. during the sections. Nothing happened. 80 women a year out of roughly 700000 die and most are immigrants who have not sought health care, really ill, or very obese. Your heart has to work a hell of a lot harder its normal. Inbox me if you need to x

25-02-17, 18:41
I started with anxiety after the birth of my first child and then it came back severely towards the end of my second pregnancy peaking shortly after the birth of my second child. I still suffer with anxiety now but I've learnt to deal with it much better, I still have a way to go but I understand now that it's anxiety causing the feelings.

In my experience anxiety is a cruel thing, if you worry about your heart then you can pretty much bet that your anxiety will produce the symptoms you fear.

I remember during one panic attack I feared that I was having a heart attack, my left arm went numb and I could hardly breath, I sat and calmed myself and the heart symptoms went away, then I had the thought 'arm numbness could be a stroke' and sure enough within seconds my face went numb down one side. All of this was anxiety.

The mind is a powerful thing. Try not to worry and remember that your hormones are probably adding to your anxiety. Do something to take your mind off the symptoms and I'm sure they'll go away.

Best of luck with the remainder of your pregnancy x